AAA Landscaping Case Study Essay

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Based on the information provided in chapter 7 and the information provided in the case, I would say that the owner of AAA Landscaping did not do a good job with handling the situation with Stu Murphy. In the case, it states that Stu had heard about AAA Landscaping through word of mouth advertising from some of his neighbors in his subdivision. He decided to hire AAA to landscape his yard and it was a $1200 service. The landscapers came out and redid the sod in the front yard and trimmed up bushes in Mr. Murphy's yard. The week after AAA did Stu's yard, they received a call from Stu and he let them know that there was unfinished work. Because AAA was tied up in other jobs the owner was not able to send anyone out until later on in the week. The next day Stu called again because the job was still not finished and the owner did not get around to calling Stu back. This went on for another week and finally the owner sent out someone to …show more content…

The owner could have had the job done correctly the first time and should have double checked everything to make sure it was done on the day his workers finished the job. By doing this he would have prevented a lot of phone calls from Stu and it would have made Stu a lot happier. On the other hand, say if they would have forgotten to do the small things, the owner should have had one of his employees go out to Stu Murphy's house and finish the job the day after he received the phone call. If one of his employees was not able to finish the job then the owner should have gone out to the house and finished the job himself. It is ultimately his job to make sure that all of his customers are satisfied because like stated in the case, his main form of advertisement is word of mouth. After the job was finished, the owner should then call Mr. Murphy or go by his house and make sure that the job was everything the Stu was looking for, even if he does not get a

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