A changing world means changing ways

550 Words2 Pages

The world we live in today is constantly changing geographically, politically, and culturally. With the changing environment not only do we change our language and our thinking but we also adapt and change our ways of subsistence.
We as humans express our opinions, personalities, and emotions through language but language is not merely verbal. We express language through writing and through our body movements. Through our language we innovate and share our ideas and because of this our societies continue to change and progress and as society changes and progresses so do we. For example, when the industrial revolutions occurred in the United States there were many new inventions and along with these inventions came more manufacturing and more factories. People began to move into the larger cities to take advantages of the work that was available in these new factories. People began to discard the agricultural way of subsistence and replaced it with industrialization. Along with the new innovations of the Industrial Revolution there were also new terms that were coined in various are...

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