A Theology Of Christian Counseling Analysis

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Depression, in general, as well affects others, especially those who are close and dear to us. They suffer along with us. Our sin affects not only ourselves, but also those around us. In his book, A Theology of Christian Counseling, Jay Adams discussed in detail over four chapters the doctrine of man and the human sin. The human heart is depraved - utterly and morally corrupt. He further said, “From this inner corruption flow all sinful attitudes, words, and actions. Man is not not a sinner because he sins; he sins because he is a sinner.” Every sin committed is first and foremost a rebellion towards a perfect God and affects our relationship with others. James the Apostle asked in James 4:1: “Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do …show more content…

A person who suffer from depression would typically avoid social interaction. They either have gripping fear, misperception of other’s perception of them, or they prefer to avoid answering personal questions they may not have answers either. This fear, as previously mentioned, comes from looking at the circumstances that seem helpless to the suffering individual: fear of failure, fear of what might be said that can be hurtful, fear of not living up to people’s expectations. This fear, because it is inward or man-ward, is sin that must be confessed before a God who created that fear within us. This kind of fear is also accompanied by the desire from within a person’s heart for approval and acceptance from others. Many people who suffer from depression because of the enslavement to sin would rather evade other people, especially those he or she deem to be more mature or godly. For a believer, this cripples Christian fellowship because this will produce inadequate encouragement and nurturing of each other in God’s Word and unity in our fellowship through the Holy Spirit. Again, I like the way Jay Adams put it into …show more content…

We are made to give God glory by putting Him first place in our hearts, and that includes how we relate with others, especially those in the body of Christ. Through the teachings and examples of Jesus and the Apostle Paul, God commanded us to love and serve one another. We don’t wait for people to come to us. We are to go out, reach out, meet the needs of others, carry each other’s burdens, be Christ’s representatives on earth. Representatives of what? Everything the Christ came to do - to seek and to love others, to sacrifice for

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