Adversity In 'Speak' By Laurie Halse-Anderson

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Truth Through Adversity

Adversity affects the lives of many individuals. Through facing adversity people tend to show their true selves. In the novel “Speak” by Laurie Halse-Anderson, the main character Melinda, faces a few different types of adversity. One form of adversity that she faces is that she was sexually assaulted. Another type of adversity that Melinda goes through in this novel is that she loses all her friends and starts to lose her family as well. Throughout my life, I have faced many different types of adversity, one major thing that I have dealt with in my life is depression. Those who face adversity in their life can choose if they want to face it or to ignore it, and the outcome will prove what they chose to do.
Sexual assault can be something that will scar someone for the rest of their life. It is also something that can be very hard to understand and cope with. Melinda Sordino is sexually assaulted in this …show more content…

Depression can be caused by many different things, and can also lead to someone having more problems. I have struggled with depression for quite a few years now, and there have been many different reasons that have caused it and that have made it worse. Having depression has lead me to do things in life that I am not overly proud of, one of which being self harm. While we were reading ‘Speak”, the further we got into the book I started to realize that I can relate to Melinda in certain aspects of life. I have lost a lot of friends due to situations that have happened in my life. I rarely talk to my parents or my siblings anymore, and I find myself to be shutting out people who care about me. I do not mean to close myself off from everybody, but when I am very stressed or have a lot going on it is hard not to. What I have realized though, is that self harming and shutting people out does not fix anything, and it can make your other problems

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