The Personal Counseling Theory

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Personal Counseling Theory Paper As a future counselor, I have enjoyed learning about the different techniques and theories of counseling. Understanding each approach is important but I believe that the counselors self knowledge of her or his own values, worldviews and life philosophy is just as important for the counselor to do the job effectively. Each theory that we learned about, I could see being helpful to different people, their circumstance and individual problem. I can see myself using different parts of each in my future career. Currently, I more drawn to the Adlerian theory. I understand and agree when Adler believed that people do have the ability to monitor and control the direction of their lives.The unconscious shapes personality, …show more content…

For me, I think it is difficult to understand the person without knowing their background and difficult to see only their environment without paying attention to a person 's behavior. It is important to take a look at a person 's values, relationships, and belief systems because this will affect how one acts in society. Adler’s theory states that the development of self and society are interconnected. They each influence one another. When one person develops positively, then he can connect positively with others and the more he connects with others , the more one can develop oneself ( Marcus and Rosenberg, 1998). Along with Adler, I also believe that a person can connect in different levels and in many different spheres. One can feel connected with another person, with family, friends, community and so on. This can also include being connected to animals, and plants until in the larger sense, a person is connected with the whole cosmos. I feel that if people truly become connected and understood, then many of today 's problems, such as war, discrimination, prejudice, etc., might not …show more content…

That people attempt to make up for their weaknesses in one area by overcompensating in another area, such as a person that is bad in sports might try to excel in music inorder to hide their weakness. I agree that people to tend to strive to excel in an area that they feel stronger in, for myself, it was being able to excel in sports as a way to fit into a new environment and culture since coming from a family that immigrated from Europe to the United States. Being involved in different sports, I was able to learn about my new culture and learn to speak English better. I realized that I was able to adapt to my surroundings and I was more accepted when I excelled in a sport that was popular with a school. Also, as outlined in the Adlerian theory, when an individual tends to overcompensate, they develop an inferiority complex. They believe they are incapable of excelling to the same level of others. Some people use a real or imagined inferiority complex as a means to avoid taking risks that might lead to great rewards. Others take the exact opposite route. Instead of developing an inferiority complex they develop a superiority complex whereby they believe they are better than everyone else (Marcus and Rosenberg, 1998). This type of individual tends to exaggerate his or her self-importance. My experience of compensation has led me to strive to excel in many areas and to

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