A Rhetorical Analysis Of A Commercial

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As human beings we see greed as derogatory, holding a negative connotation that many fear being labeled as. However, greed has a separate meaning we often overlook, that is the pursuit and acquisition of the unknown. In the Samsung phone commercial, greed is portrayed as an all-in-one package, containing the new, powerful, and iconic technology of the modern world. The commercial in its entirety is simple, but elaborate, showcasing different aspects of the phone in the unboxing. Motivational music is played in the background as all the components are laid out on the table. The first few seconds make it clear, as to who the commercial is aimed at, just by looking at the individual who unboxes the phone. A man, seemingly in his early twenties, reduces the range of audiences to that of teenagers along with those passionate about technology in general. As apparent in modern society, teenagers easily dominate and establish control over innovation. This boundary is institutionalized by the tone of the commercial, which invokes excitement by the thrill of having new technology in your hands. …show more content…

Before the phone is even shown, the Batman logo is showcased because of its widespread love and affinity consumers have towards superhero characters. Among those, Batman is one of the most loved and celebrated hero. Here the ethical appeal is shown by the fact that the entire package is dedicated to Batman, from the cover of the phone to the apps installed, this is truly an enthusiast’s phone. Furthermore, the phone was developed by Samsung, a well-known brand, praised for its technological

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