A Problem From Hell Summary

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What defines a civilization is it by ideologies or religion or even by ethnic divides, whatever the defining factor civilizations have come and gone through out history leaving their marks on the survivors. Some might say that these scars are what now have caused later conflicts since many of the opposing sides use decades long rivalries from these fallen civilization to add more fuel towards their personal goals. Huntington in his article however makes a different argument stating “conflict in this new world will not be primarily ideological or primarily economic [instead they] will be cultural,” making the point that most conflicts will be cultural which defines as religious . Earlier he commented on how this new world will see “the return …show more content…

When outside powers here of cross-cultural conflicts they are damned if they don’t get involved and damned if they do is the popular way of looking at this issue but this also is super one sided like Huntington’s argument, Samantha Power an ambassador to the United Nations from the US would have us rather look at the loss of life rather then political nonsense. In her book A Problem From Hell, Power’s write a quotes from Ambassador Morgenthau with saying that “unless it directly affected America lives or American interests, it was outside the concern of the American government.” as a way to show how outside powers look at these conflicts . She argues that more international aid and presences during these conflicts is need, not aid and presences that would actually be helpful . Power’s writes how “the UN security council pointed finger at the main aggressors, imposed economic sanctions, deployed peacekeepers, and helped deliver humanitarian aid,” and all that well and good but during these types of conflict the type of aid needed in troops on the ground to help prevent further violence . She talks a lot about how international aid …show more content…

In his book gives the examples about how some 50,000 odd Jews were marched out of their homes and into Croatian camps depending on where they’d originally lived, he also mentions how live hoods, such as stores were destroyed in nightly raids both of which were a form of genocide, genocide of the culture not just the people themselves . He also mentions how genocide can quickly escalate from one race to another problem race and in the case gypsies were also forcibly removed to these camps as well . What Glenny tries to make a point of is that forced removal can be at times just as deadly to a race as physical extermination is can be, that this is just of an effective tool of genocide as a guns or poison gas . Though genocide is a tool used to create ethnically pure nation states it is also a tool used by outside forces to choice whether or not to get involved in the violence. Samantha Powers looks at genocide from the point of that all reasons for or against getting involved in cross-cultural conflicts, which involve genocide, whether directly or indirectly, is caused by the political and economical gain . For examples when things got really dicey in Cambodia all American citizens and personnel fled the embassy, the new leader of the nation Matak wrote the US

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