A Prank Turned into a Tragedy: Journal or Fiction Story

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No one ever imagined that an innocent prank would result in the flashing squad cars now rushing to the scene. Thinging bout it all now, wishing that it never happened! It was just a joke soppoesed to be funny not harmful. As we walked to the train railroads we looked at each other. This was all due to a intiuation to our club. We had all done it before! But this tiiime was different. I looked at Tim, he gave me a asured look. Billy looked scared, and for some reaon i did to but i also had a bad feeling. I only have thoes when something bad is going to happen. "come on its not a big deal" said Gregg. "We've all done it" said Tim. I could now hear the train miles away. I asked myself "why am i feeling this way? theres something wron somethings not right"! I only wished i would have acted on that thought! Billy looked at me as his face turned total white. He was to scared. I gave him a pat on the back, but it did'nt seem to help him.
The train was getting closer by the second and billy was turning whiter. I felt very bad. Tim told Billy " its not that big of a deal, you hop on and 15 seconds later jump off and walk back, simple!" Billy did'nt seem any more better about what he was about to do. I could hear the train comeing closer and closer, maybe 2 miles away now. But still i heard it like it was screaming in my ear. Every second that went by it was getting closer. "Here it comes, get ready!" said Tim "Don't be a wuss" said Gregg. It was going faster than normal, way faster. As the first car zoomed by by you could see hundreds more behind that one. Tim yelled out " get Ready, Set, Jump." Billy jumped on a Red car, the car had its door open. He was on for about five seconds when he stuc his head in and just as he did the door Slammed shut. slitting his head off and flung his body off as well. All i saw was blood and his body being flung off. "Awww what a wuss he jumped off early." said Tim. "Come on lets go get him" but i knew thats not what happened.

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