A Modern Production of Lysistrata

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In a modern day production of Lysistrata, a director’s role would involve the overseeing of the whole play making course and ensuring that all the cast members realize the vision of the production. This role covers all the steps of production from the interpretation of the script to the final performance. This means that the director has a say over a range of disciplines and has to have artistic vision. Lysistrata was produced in 411 B.C., at a time when Athens and Sparta had just concluded a two-decade long war and the general population was in despair. Comedies such as these were used then to communicate instructions to the people (mbc.edu). This essay will focus on the scene where Lysistrata has gathered all the women to convinces the to withhold sex from their husbands until they sign a peace treaty. To realize the vision of the play, the script, set-up, costumes, stagecraft, sound design, and acting have to communicate a unified message with which the audience will relate. The script will be tailored to ensure that the audience can understand the play as it proceeds. This is in terms of the language and terms used. Though the language will not be modern, it will be English that can be understood by the audience. This will be English of antique England as it will give the play a feeling of ancient times. The scriptwriter will carry out research on the level of understanding the local people will have of ancient English so as to ascertain that the script matches this level. Although many plays of that era were sung and accompanied by dance, this play will be acted out with spoken word rather than songs. This is because speaking will ensure the audience hears the conversations as they go on and that they understand. This is ... ... middle of paper ... ...number of people cast will also change. Additionally, the actors will speak and not sing the words. This is to ensure a flow of dialogue in a plausible manner that people today would believe. The actors will be instructed to emulate the words and body language typical of Greeks from the set era. The stage will be set to ascertain visibility to every member of the audience, with Lysistrata standing on a raised platform while addressing the women. All these aspects combined will ensure everyone understands and enjoys the play. Works Cited Mary Baldwin College. Lysistrata (Aristophanes, 411 BCE). Web. 6 February 2014 http://www.mbc.edu/faculty/vfrancisco/TheaEurope/lysistrata.htm (2014). Perseus Digital Library. Aristophanes’ Lysistrata. Jack Lindsey, Ed. Web. 6 February 2014 from www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc+Perseus:abo:tlg,0019,007:168&lang+original

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