A Generalization of a Generation

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The term “millennials” has gotten a lot of attention recently. Millennial is a word given to the younger generations, meaning that they are considered more lazy, more selfish and more over confident than all generations previous to them. The baby boomer generation, has declared that the generation of the 90’s fits the stereotype of a millennial. Some argue that the over use of video games and text messages are to blame. People are so absorbed in creating an extension of our own lives and become obsessed with building an empire around ourselves. With Facebook and Twitter we are able to “market” ourselves. We choose how we look and act on social media. Bringing in the other characteristic of a millennial, we are considered to some as the most over confident generation. Joel Stein and Elspeth Reeve each wrote an article on this subject. Although they debated different points, each author makes a valid argument. Our generation is being generalized into one word “A millennial.” One generation is filled with many individuals, each individual having traits making them unique. It is unfair and close-minded for the older generations to make a basic assumption about an entire generation of people. Joel Stein wrote an article titled, “"Millennials: The Me Me Me Generation." In his article he argues that he believes the term millennials and all that it stands for, is an adequate word to describe the generation of today. Stein refers to this generation of millennials as the “me generation.” He believes that children nowadays are raised to believe that they are the most important thing to walk this planet. As they age their homes are filled with photos and videos of them. Everywhere you turn it is about them. They have been put on a pedestal... ... middle of paper ... ...e in society . We must fight to be noticed and to be congratulated. In this society it is all about self-image. How you carry yourself and how you present yourself. However, as you age you start to become aware of your place among society. When we get older we start to realize that there is a world of other people and that we don’t come first anymore. In my opinion that is why the older generations are always forced to look down upon the younger generations. Whether you feel one way or the other our generation is being generalized without our word for it. We are being clumped into one category without consideration of our individualism. The older generations may always feel a step ahead of us and always feel superior. And there is not much that we can do about their opinions. However, we are able to not share that same outlook with the generations to come after us.

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