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How does music affect the mind
Influence social media has on young people
Influence social media has on young people
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Recommended: How does music affect the mind
From the day a child is born, she is already exposed to music. One is welcomed into the world by the gentle voice of her mother singing lullabies, and as the years go by, one continues to be exposed to the lyrics and melodies of different songs. Everywhere one goes one can hear music playing, whether it be in the mall, on TV, online, etc. Once one reaches her teenage years, it is as though her earphones never leave her ears. Music has become very popular among the younger generations, particularly the millenials. But who are the millenials? “Millennials consist, depending on whom you ask, of people born from 1980 to 2000. […] the group is made up mostly of teens and 20-somethings. At 80 million strong, they are the biggest age grouping in American history.” (Stein 30) Millenials, also known as Generation Y, are known to be optimistic and more accepting of differences. However, despite their positive traits, people tend to focus more on their negative traits. Millenials are more popularly known as celebrity-obsessed, entitled, lazy and narcissistic. The way their self-esteem developed as they grew up led to their narcissism and sense of entitlement. Nowadays, millenials have become lazy due to the easy lifestyle that they were exposed to. They grew up with technology that helped them in doing different tasks, such as cooking, communicating, etc. Social media heightens the characteristic of millenials being celebrity-obsessed, due to sites that allow them to learn more about celebrities. Some of these include music artists such as Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift and One Direction. Despite becoming an obsession, their addiction to these musicians and their works can also be very beneficial, which is why millenials should use music to improve... ... middle of paper ... ... Apr. 2011. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. Paglia, Camille. "Pop's Drop: From Madonna to Miley." TIME 9 Sept. 2013: 46. Rainer, Thom S., and Jess W. Rainer. The Millennials: Connecting to America's Largest Generation. Nashville, Tenn: B&H Pub. Group, 2011. Robles, Jonathan. "ROBIN THICKE The King of Blurred Lines Is Clearing Some Things Up." VARIANCE Oct. 2013: 44. Rogers, Ray. "Swift's Sweet Victory." Billboard 1 June 2013: 24. Rothman, Lily. "Illegal Music Downloads Not Hurting Industry, Study Claims." Time. Time, 21 Mar. 2013. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. Shepherd, Weston. "BELIEBERS THE DANGEROUSLY OBSESSIVE SUBCULTURE OVERTAKING SOCIETY." VARIANCE Oct. 2013: 51. Stein, Joel. "THE ME ME ME GENERATION." TIME 20 May 2013: 30-35. Wolk, Douglas. "Hot Sounds. Everything You Need to Know about the 13 Songs of Summer 2013." TIME Aug.-Sept. 2013: 88-89.
Millennials are often portrayed as spoiled rich people who still rely heavily on their parents for everything. This makes them seem childish, and Matchar’s questionable usage of these terms nonetheless is an obvious jab at the poster minority. Millennials overall are hard working and put under more stress than their predecessors, and the ridicule they endure for their work is uncalled for. Therefore, the thesis’s major flaw almost entirely overshadows its main
The 21st century has brought great change and advancement in all aspect of life for mankind across the world. From the creation of high-tech gadgets to innovative ways of basic living, millennials have had a huge engagement in the works of creating such things. They have brought change and advancement through ways in which mankind has never seen before. On the contrary, past generations believe that Millennials are bringing negativity and corruption into the world. The article "The Beat-Up Generation" by Abby Ellin says that " Millennials are, arguably, the most reviled generation in recent history, and armies of consultants are hustling to decipher them.
According to Abby Ellin in her article, “The Beat (Up) Generation” the styles between millennials and baby boomers is substantial and often times, millennial’s are just misinterpreted. Millennial’s have everyone trying to decode them and try to figure out how they work. This has people from the Baby Boomer generation in flux. Ellin validates her claim with strong sources, powerful statistics, and unbiased argument.
As Andres Tapia mentioned, “ To be young is to be experienced”. Millennials have a different perspective about how to success in life. Since millennials are born during this current era, they have an advantage over people that were born before. With the inclusion of technology, it is easier to learn and apply new knowledge than before. A good example is the “Apps”. It is only necessary to create an app that attracts the interest of many consumers to start making money. Finally, Millenials have the ability to adapt and evolve. Millenials are the representation of
I was born in 1995, which makes me part of “Generation Y,” also known as the “Millennials.” Millennials is used to describe the people born from 1980 up until the early 2000s. Millennials have been negatively described as selfish, lazy, and narcissistic, along with having unrealistic work expectations. As part of this “Millennials” generation, I agree. I believe as a society we are too focused on “us” and pleasing ourselves. We are selfish and do not understand what it means to suffer. I also believe it is not entirely our fault.
The new greatest generation was written by Joel Stein, and is critical analysis of the new generation in this article Stein states that people that are in the new millennial generation are considered narcissistic, lazy, and highly unmotivated. He is a writer for the world famous time magazine. The author thinks the only thing the new generation cares about is themselves. The author ran some tests on a huge amount of college students to see if they were narcissistic or not, according to those statistics he found that about fifty percent in 2009 are al considered to be narcissistic. The author shows that technology
Millennials are accused of being tough to manage, behaving entitled, unfocused, lazy, narcissistic; however, they seek to have a purpose that they love and make an impact. Yet, the more they receive, they are not happy. Sinek jokingly states that they could be offered “free food and bean bags, because that is what they want, and they will still not be happy.” According to Sinek, there is a missing piece for millennials, furthermore, he goes on to say there are four characteristics that make millennials the way they are, “parenting, technology, impatience, and environment.” (2016).
On average, the typical millennial needs constant feedback on everything they do, and want to share their entire lives on social media. They want everyone to see their accomplishments. This differs from some of the older generations that may value their privacy and do not want to have their entire lives placed on the Internet. According to the “Millennial General Research Review,” Millennials are considered more accepting of other races and cultures compared to the previous generations. The Millennial generation puts more emphasis on trying to be culturally and racially accepting towards everyone. In addition, they are able to multitask better then any of the other generations, changing from task to task at an extremely accelerated rate and receiving their current information from technology like the internet and television as compared to other forms that were previously popular (“Millennial General Research Review”). Overall, Millennials have many defining characteristics that have helped shape them to who they
This generation is in need instant gratification from all sources. What used to be the norm like going to the store to shop compare prices is now done on line form the house. The attention span of the average millennial is short. At any given time a person has roughly 3 seconds to capture the attention of a person before they are on to the next subject.
When the Baby Boomer generation was questioned about the newer generation, these words and phrases was often used: “slacker”, “lazy”, “has it easy”, “entitled”, “obsessed with their phones/internet/games” and “antisocial”. On the other hand, Millennials (or Generation Y) would say this about their older counterpart: “entitled”, “ruined it for those who followed”, “had it easier”, “narcissists”, “stubborn”, and “materialistic”. The reason for why the elders would see it that way is because they had to live without the quick solutions that teens have nowadays. This “elders bashing on the newer generation” isn’t uncommon, as seen by what was recovered from Aristotle’s and Plato’s time (Rampell 389). For Millennials, some of their tension comes from the fact that they will be the first generation earning less than previous generation for the same amount of work (Roos). Not only that, but the prices for land property, and college education, which is needed in many jobs nowadays, has skyrocketed compared to their parent’s and grandparent’s. Due to this wealth gap, it sparked a lot of tension between the generations, and this can be seen in smaller environments, such as in the
They struggle with low self-esteem. They struggle with making independent decisions. They struggle with succeeding in the workforce. However, none of these struggles are their fault. They are the millennials. According to Simon Sinek, millennials are a group of young, ambitious and hardworking individuals currently entering the workforce. Nonetheless, they are encountering hurdles that have been unheard of until now due to several external factors. As there are constant changes in societal expectations as well as personal expectations, millennials often have difficulty finding where they truly belong. Over the course of his discussion, Sinek targets several different factors and how they contribute to the downfall and characteristics of millennials. Therefore, I believe that there is no doubt that Sinek’s depiction of millennials as low self-esteemed and narcissistic
Generation y has revolutionized how people think and create music. “The world considers generation y to be generation x on steroids (Sophia Yan).” The adults and teens...
Popular opinion tells us that millennials are lazy people with no drive to do anything because they see their destination instead of their journey. I would like to believe that this millennial behavior stretches not only from 1980 to 2000, but instead this attitude is being gradually instilled in the new generations as well, leading them to boring and “un-impactful” lives, which is what most millennials do. This is a shame because every millennial and likewise kid wants to grow up to be Superman or Neo from “The Matrix” and change the world in similar dramatic fashions, and this isn’t necessarily our fault, it’s the fault of our parents, and perhaps the fault of a failed society.
In his May 2013 editorial for Time Magazine, “Millennials: The Me Me Me Generation,” Joel Stein explains his viewpoint on millennials, defined as people born 1980 through 2000. Using an occasionally humorous tone, Stein summarizes the typical bleak view that older people have for the younger generation, before offering what he believes is closer to the truth. In the end, he decides that while millennials are not without their flaws and vices, a lot of the fears that older people are mostly due to the advanced technology that we are now dealing with. By the end of the article, it is my opinion that Stein makes a very fair summarization and is correct in his idea that to write off the entire generation is unfair towards younger people.
Music has played a role in society since the dawn of man. Said to be the beginning of communication in early civilization, music and dance have influenced how we think, act and treat members of our own society. Song and dance is used in rites of passage ceremonies such as births, weddings and funerals throughout the world. Jamaican and Yoruba cultures have made many contributions to our society. The uses of this music as a vehicle for political issues, values, and beliefs have been used by many musicians from different cultures. I intend to discuss the Contribution of these two contemporary cultures music and their effect on society.