A Doll's House Women

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These two different viewpoints of women are, a woman’s happiness comes from her domestic life and caring for her family while the other believes women have an obligation to themselves, not just to their children or husband. The duties women are expected to perform and where their happiness is supposed to stem from comes from a mutual place. Though Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House, illustrated the growing thought women were developing about taking control of their own happiness and gaining equal rights and values. Though a lot of women still believed that their places were at home, taking care of the family from the home and being the foundation of men since women were viewed as the weaker sex. In the etiquette manual, Woman in Her Social and Domestic Character, by Elizabeth Poole Sanford, women were supposed to draw their happiness from their duties of being a housewife, (Sanford, Woman in Her Social and Domestic Character, page 708), “Domestic life is the chief source if her influence; and the greatest debt society can owe to her is domestic comfort; for happiness is almost an element of virtue; and nothing …show more content…

When I look back on it now, I seem to be living here like a beggar, on handouts.” Nora also thought that her own had duties were equally as valuable as being a wife and mother, and that she was just as capable as men to think for herself, not having other men think for her. She also believed that because she is also human, she must also be entitled to her own happiness and

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