A Day That Will Never Be Forgotten

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I woke up from an afternoon nap to the smell of my mum’s cooking. Yay! My mum was back from work. My mum works as a banker and often comes back late, usually around the time I should be in bed so I was excited she was home early. I went into the kitchen, greeted my mum as is custom in my family, looked over at what she was cooking; she was boiling meat, making soup and rice, plenty enough to last for a whole week at least.

“Mum, is dad back from work yet?” I said while walking round the kitchen looking for what to stuff my mouth with for the moment,

“Yes, he should be in the room”, it is both their room and my mum always made sure she never personalized it as his or hers. I still do not know the reason for that

“Okay, thanks”,

“And tell him the food will be ready soon”, my mum shouted as I was already walking towards my parents’ room.

I went into the room, greeted my dad, talked a little about school and the things I did. We quickly ran out of things to talk about. There was always hardly anything to say to my dad, once school talk was over; every other conversation was pretty much done with too. I decided to stay with him in his room to watch TV waiting on dinner; my little brother who was four years old at the time later came to join us, he was probably tired of watching cartoons in the living room, or perhaps lonely. I’m guessing lonely.

Ten minutes later, my mother calls us for dinner. As a girl, culture demands that I go into the kitchen to help my mum with serving the food, I should also be helping her with the cooking but I was only eight, I was barely allowed into the kitchen. Anyway, I go into the kitchen, take the tray of food she has laid out for my dad to the dining table, and had to go back to my parents’ r...

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...e cramped up in, my mum takes me to the room I share with my brother immediately which was the only room that was not visited by the armed robbers, I see my brother lying there on his bed sleeping. I probably didn’t notice when my mum took him to bed before the incident happened. Everybody disperses to their various areas without hesitation. It was definitely going to be a long night. Not for me, I slept immediately my head touched the pillow.

It was a memorable day in all our lives, a day when I and my brother could have lost a father and my mother her husband. When we think about it, we wonder what would have become of our lives, losing the breadwinner would have definitely been disastrous. I’m sure I wouldn’t have been able to afford the continuation of my education and that means I wouldn’t have come to Penn State University. Wow! How would that have been like?

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