A Correlation Between the Corpus Callosum and "developmental Language Disorders"

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A correlation between the corpus callosum and "developmental language disorders"


Various types of language disorders affect a considerable amount of children academically and socially worldwide. This article focuses on developmental language disorders (DLD) caused by central auditory processing disorders (CAPD). A CAPD is defined as showing "difficulties discriminating, identifying and retaining sounds after the ears have "heard" the sounds." Both language and auditory are processed in an infinite number of nuclei throughout both hemispheres of the brain. Thus it has been hypothesized that abnormalities of the corpus callosum (CC) are correlated with deficiencies in auditory and language processes. This article reviews studies that have tried to prove this hypothesis. Due to the homogenous nature of either process, it is too complicated to try to identify a single cause of a single structure of the brain. Studies have yet to be found of having strong evidence that the CC correlates (or does not correlate) with DLDs and CAPDs.

Keywords: Developmental language disorder, central auditory processing disorder, dyslexia,

x-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, and corpus callosum

A correlation between the corpus callosum and "developmental language disorders"

Audition is a complex process that involves multiple areas of the brain. To be able to hear sound is just the beginning. Understanding speech and appreciating music requires an intensive and complex network of processes still yet to be understood. Many auditory processing deficits have been discovered with varying degrees of specificity and severities. A whole area of research has been dedicated to finding solutions to these auditory deficits that many ...

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