A Career As A Career In The Law Enforcement Career

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What is something that interests someone enough that everyday when someone wakes up they would want to go out and do it? When people are in high school everyone always asks them what they want to do in life. Over the years, I have come up with an answer to this question. Ever since I was a kid I have enjoyed helping people. With this, I have decided I want to go into the law enforcement. There are many different jobs available in law enforcement career. When one goes into this career they are helping the public by getting criminals off the streets. I personally want to become a detective of some sort. There are three particular reasons why I want to be a detective they are the ability to help people while making a living, bettering the community and the fact that it is an interesting and exciting job. When someone wants to go into this career there are many things they need to know such as educational requirements, work environment, earnings, job outlook, positive and negative aspects of the career. There is nothing more appealing to me than to be able to help people while doing ones job. I admire anyone in the law enforcement-they get up everyday and put themselves in danger to help protect others. Detectives aren’t always in the line of duty like police officers but when they aren’t at a crime scene they are investigating a crime, collecting evidence for a crime, conducting interviews, getting warrants to go and obtain a criminal or testifying in court. There are so many things people have to do when they are a detective. They don’t get to just sit around and wait for something to go wrong. They don’t need much schooling to become a detective or a police officer, just a high school diploma or the equivalent (Bureau). Although... ... middle of paper ... ...ational requirements, work environment, earnings, job outlook, positive and negative aspects of the career. With this job one only needs a high school diploma but if one has a degree in criminal justice it betters their chance of getting hired. Being a detective the work environment can be stressful but rewarding at the same time. The average earning for a detective is approximately $56,980 a year but can progress the longer one is there. The employment rate for a detective is expected to grow 11 percent from 2012 to 2022. Some positive aspects of this career are rewarding, satisfying, the ability to work ones way up in the field, and many opportunities. Some negative aspects of this career are its dangerous, long hours, and mandatory retirement age. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Sir Winston Churchill.

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