Why I Want To Be A Criminal Investigator

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There are many reasons why I Want to be a criminal investigator, The job is just an interesting job. I first really learned about a Criminal Investor when I was 8, I started to watch Criminal Minds which is about 7 or 8 detectives that are all different but still fit together and are very good at their jobs. The reason why I want to pursue in this job is because I had a very serious crime done in my life that got me involved with some and they always told me about how it was a great job but it came with its flaws like seeing someone's dead body in pictures and having to hear sad stuff sometimes like what was going on with me. Then from there I knew what I wanted to do.I knew I wanted to help others that had similar situations that I´v been through because why not have a job you can enjoy and help people at the same time. …show more content…

According to Federal Criminal Investigator ”Federal criminal investigators gather evidence, investigate crimes, interview witnesses and apprehend suspects. They work on cases that fall under federal jurisdiction, drug trafficking, organized crime, or human smuggling”(FCI 1). The type of crimes they investigate are very serious that are usually dangerous. The activities they do are like looking at timing to decide whether the case they are doing have the right people they need, arrest people who are accused of crimes, and interview witnesses.According to Timothy Roufa “Detectives and criminal investigators should also be able to deal compassionately with people. They should feel comfortable speaking with witnesses and suspects¨( Roufa 8).The skills you need aren't that bad like your going to need Communication and interview skills as the author said and be able to control emotions, have critical thinking and many more but basically there basic skills anyone could

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