6 Reflection That I Have Come To Held True For My Life Essay

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6 Reflections that I have come to hold true for my life
Life is a gift
Life is truly a gift from God. When God created the world, he meant for it to be in harmony with Him. He wanted us to experience a relationship with him, happiness and love. When Jesus died on the cross, we were given victory from sin. So we can still get to enjoy life through a close walk with God. I wrote a story about a boy who discovered a fresh water river after being born into a filthy man made dam. This is true for me. There is so much to delight in the Lord and now I see life is truly a gift.
Before I used to always be like Jeremiah, cursing the day I was born. Wondering why I was alive. Thinking I was better off dead. I am glad that I have seen how wrong my thoughts were. How my torment was unjustified and how my suffering was unnecessary.
Knowing that life is a gift is helping me enjoy the joy and pains of life. Someone once said, rejoice when you find yourself in pain and suffering because out of your greatest adversity lies your biggest strength or lesson. In my pains of life, it was hard to believe this, the torment was too much but now I learn to see life as a gift and in doing so I find myself being thankful for
To be honest, I did not think that she should have divorced her husband for the Bible very clearly speaks against it. But then again what do I know. I have not read the Bible in its totality for me to be sure. I found myself realizing that we cannot please men. Today you will be up, the next day down, that is how it is with men. You will be poached to fill a position only to be taken away by handcuffs by the same people who hired you. You will be elected only to be impeached. People will forget easily what you did for them. This is why being rooted in Christ is most important. Pleasing Christ is the only thing that matters. Pleasing man, no matter who they are in your life, is

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