1984 Winston Smith Character Analysis

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In 1984, Winston Smith is thirty-nine years old and has a wound above his right ankle caused by damaged veins (varicose ulcer). The hair on his head is very fair, his skin is rough, and his face always had a naturally positive look to it. He was the definition of an average guy in Oceania. Winston is a very curious and optimistic person. He proves to be rebellious when he opened a diary and began writing in it. In his society, that could lead to death or forced labor. Winston is also intelligent and cautious. When he began writing, he made sure there was no ink left on his fingers and also placed a grain of dust on the corner of the cover when done. That way he could tell whether the diary was moved or not. By writing the words “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER” repeatedly in his diary, his thoughts were very clear that he did not like the Party. He hated the Party passionately. His motivation is to find the Brotherhood, in hope that it really did exist so that they could take down the Party. In chapter one, it states “All that they did was to keep alive in him the belief, or hope, that others besides himself were enemies of the Party.” …show more content…

He has no self-care because “an overpowering smell of sweat followed him wherever he went, and even remained behind him after he had gone.” Tom is a very simple and happy man. He is very active in his community by being a leading figure on various of committees and activities. However, Tom seems to be too good for his own brain. He is smart but yet goofy to where the party could depend on him for its stability. In chapter one, it states “one of those completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom the stability of the Party depended.” He’s the type to believe in the Party and its

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