Struggle is Imminent

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Winston is confronted with struggle throughout the entirety of George Orwell`s dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Living within a totalitarian regime subsequently causes Winston to seek approaches for dealing with such abundant oppression; he finds liberation through self-awareness, understanding and ultimately rebellion. First, Winston realizes that “if you want to keep a secret you must also hide it from yourself”, alluding to the notion of thoughtcrime (162). This recognition exemplifies the complete cognizance that Winston has regarding the oppressive society displayed throughout the novel. Next, Syme states “It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words”, alluding to the idea of Newspeak (28). This statement directly correlates to Winston speaking with other party members to gain knowledge about how others feels about policies deployed by the government. This information-seeking also connects with Winston`s rebellion, as he actively searched for others to join his uprising, which is shown when Winston tells O’Brien “We want to join [The Brotherhood]” (171). Winston’s attempt to join a rebellious organization exhibits his evident desire to release his suppressed emotions. Winston devises a very methodical approach to deal with the problematic society he resides in. Short story “Here Be Monsters” by Nathan Sellyn depicts a situation where the speaker fails to overcome his emotional struggle in a rational and thoughtful manner. First, the speaker is revealed to be “sobbing”, which subsequently causes him to “swing harder and harder” while he murders Danny (54). This lack of emotional control demonstrates the speaker’s complete inability to deal with hardship. Next, the speaker, when looking back on h... ... middle of paper ... ...Katherine into a trustworthy and loving wife. In “Green Fluorescent Protein” by Neil Smith, Max fails to deal with Ruby-Doo’s forward homosexual advances in a rational and positive manner. First, Smith writes that Max thinks its"...damn faggy” to wonder [about Ruby-Doo's staircase analogy] and that he’d better snap out of it (P.30). This statement shows that Max doesn’t want to believe that he is gay, so he places a negative connotation towards homosexuality. It can be inferred from this discriminatory reaction based on his poor reaction that Max has difficulty dealing with hardships in life. Next, Smith describes Max's angry feelings towards Charlie when he sarcastically mentions that it wasn't queer [at all] for people to go around licking faces (P.30)". Max's distaste for Charlie's action again causes Max to act discriminatorily against gay people. Finally,

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