• What Is The Benefit Of A Well-Written And Carefully Designed Discussion?

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What is the benefit of a well-written and carefully designed discussion?

The discussion section of a paper is where the researchers summarize and connect the purpose of the research with the results. The discuss section highlights the significance, strengths and limitations of the research. The benefit of a well-written and carefully designed discussion is that readers gain a clear understanding of the results and how they relate to the purpose. In addition a well-written and carefully designed discussion offers readers alternative interpretations, data and reasons for the conclusions. Furthermore, a well-written discussion also often provides readers with information regarding the significance of the results in relation to other similar work done.

Talk with your TA and group mates regarding the purpose and use of scientific papers. Often in the media facts and findings from scientific studies are often …show more content…

An example of this is the Wakefield et al (1998) paper that looks at the MMR vaccine and autism spectrum disorder. A study by Kolodziejski (2014) looks at how the use of hedging in this paper allowed this paper to pass through the ‘peer review’ stage but how it also created misinterpretation by the public. Hedging is using language like … suggests, in most cases, seems possible or might. Kolodziejski (2014) argues that despite the fact that the authors deny a link between the MMR vaccine and autism spectrum disorder, the language used throughout the paper leads the media and public to understand that there is a link but it hasn’t been proven yet. The media took full advantage of this misunderstanding because the possibility of a link made for major news stories, as where a study with no results is not a story at

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