Argument in an Essay

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Argument can be defined as claim or thesis statement. The aim of an argument is to convince audience. It is essential to make sound argument so that audience could engage in and align with the author’s view. Therefore, one of the key elements could be identified as the awareness of audience. Another key element is evidence. In order to persuade audience, argument should be consolidated through evidence and authority. The credibility of author and argument could be enhanced by means of using evidence and referring to authorities. The strength of evidence could determine the degree of sound argument. Besides, sound argument should be logical. Firstly, evidence should be consistent with arguments. Secondly, the structure of argument should be clear. It consists of premise and conclusion. The function of premise is to state proposition. The conclusion is based on and supported by accurate premise. In sound argument both premise and conclusion are valid. However, according to Tyler, Kossen and Ryan (2005: 168) sound argument is both valid which means logically consistent and true argument. Hence, the premise of an argument also need to be true. Furthermore, counterargument could be considered as another key element of sound argument. Using counterargument in text can reinforce writer’s argument through discussing and addressing opposed opinion. However, writers need to ensure that your reply to counterargument is consistent with your main argument. The last element is to avoid fallacies. There are two kinds of common fallacies, legitimate and illegitimate methods of argument. Both of them may lead to flaw or fault in the reasoning and logic.

Section 2

Wether universities should lower marks for students who come from poor and disadv...

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...usion. In terms of the third argument, I point out particular groups which defined as educated and uneducated people. In my argument, I argue that uneducated people could become social unstable factors. From this specific perspective, I conduct that lower marks could help these people to establish correct values and morals. During I produce my argument, I apply diagrammatical method to analyse whether my argument is valid or not. In order to reinforce my position, I have done some research before I compose my work. I find an advantageous evidence to support my view. This is an education policy which is put forward by the Federal Government to boost educational reform. The aim of this policy is to expand enrolment from disadvantaged students. I think this evidence could help me to back up my opinion, thus, I put this in my last paragraph to reiterate my main thesis.

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