Women in computing Essays

  • The History of Women And Computing

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    The History of Women And Computing Think for a moment, if you will, about your personal computer and the tasks you request that it perform each day. More likely than not your answers include computation, word processing, communication, and research. Did it make sense for John A.N. Lee to label women "lady computers" (14)? The point that Lee makes in his editorial is that women since the late 1800's have performed computation and secretarial duties for their male superiors and therefore

  • Free Essays on the Gender Divide in Computer Science

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    Stereotypes and media play a large role in discouraging women, but some universities are trying to change this by encouraging women.  Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) has made some significant increases in women enrolled in computer science.    A change of some kind is needed so we can create a more diverse group of programmers.  That may be the key to the next big breakthrough in the field. 1.  Brief History:  contributions from women This paper analyzes the reason behind the gender

  • Admiral Grace Murray Hopper and Lady Augusta Ada Byron Lovelace

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    age, don't have such powerful imaginations. But without the contributions of women like Admiral Grace Murray Hopper, who developed the first compiler, and Lady Augusta Ada Byron Lovelace, who made the idea of an Analytical Engine accessible to a world without computers, our most advanced computing device for general use would very likely still be a simple calculator. Lovelace and Hopper are by no means the only women who have made invaluable contributions to the field of computer science. Without

  • Admiral Grace Murray Hopper: One Of The First Female Computer Technology

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    World War II, Hopper joined the Navy. Since women were not allowed to be in the Navy before the shortage, women were accepted into the "Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service ' (WAVES) (Rajaraman

  • Katherine Goble's Hidden Figures

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    “Hidden Figures” They focused on three African American women who are the most hidden mathematicians. Dorothy worked on the East Computers to write a textbook on algebraic methods for the mechanical calculating machines. Mary defended her analysis against John Becker. Katherine described the orbital trajectory of John Glenn’s flight. It determined to prove their existence and talent in a way. They will never again be lost to history. These womens made discoveries still fundamental to astronomies

  • Ubiquitous Computing Essay

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    to appear everywhere and anywhere. Instead of using desktop computers, ubiquitous computing made users to use computing concepts in any devices, anywhere, in different formats. Normally ubiquitous computing is a wireless technology, which can be connected and can be accessed all around the world. As explained before Ubiquitous computing can occur anywhere, it may have multiple end users who will have multiple needs. To satisfy their multiple needs there should be multiple user interfaces which

  • Women in Technology

    2090 Words  | 5 Pages

    Women in Technology Women have played a major role in computing for centuries as well as men. The purpose of this paper is to gain knowledge on women involved in technology who for some reason do not gain as much recognition as do men. There are numerous women within this field worth talking about, but the ones chosen were Ada Byron, Grace Hopper, Evelyn Granville, and Krisztina Holly. The history of each individual will be discussed as well as what form of influence they had in computers.

  • STEM Must Recruit Women

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    When you think of STEM jobs, you don’t necessarily even realize there’s a lack of women in these types of jobs. Science, technology, engineer, and math jobs are primarily a male dominated field. In the early years around 1990 there were more women going into these types of jobs at, but compared to today, there has been a decrease of women who are graduating in STEM fields. This is alarming, considering the job opportunity growth for the STEM field in the future. STEM jobs are expected to grow at

  • Hidden Math Theorists

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    Math Practices. In the movie there are three colored women that work as computers at NASA. The names of the women are Katherine Goble Johnson, Dorothy Vaughn, and Mary Jackson. These women jobs show some examples of Standards of Math Practices. Katherine Goble Johnson, a main character and one of the colored women has a job as a computer where she had to attend to precision with her math. Later on she gets promoted and is the only colored women in the new environment, her job is to make sure calculations

  • Grace Hopper and Mark I

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    Occupations in the field of computer science are considered to be “male” jobs. Women are increasingly less likely to enter the field than in years past. However, two of the first people that we were introduced to in our textbook as key people in the history of Computer Science are Ada Augusta and Grace Murray Hopper. The page limits of this paper do not allow the author to adequately describe all of the contributions that Grace made to Computer Science. Instead, you will be introduced to Grace

  • Environmental Case Study: Geek Squad

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    environmental forces (social, economic, technological, competitive, and regulatory), identify trends likely to influence Geek Squad in the near future. Social factors: Demographics and cultures influence Geek Squad because most of the women of now a days are interested in personal computing and in home entertainment. They are seeking for personal service while purchase and installation of product. Economic factors: there are several electronic products available at a wide range of price. The price of the electronic

  • Nasa To Go Into Space Analysis

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    during the civil rights movement. The other thing Nasa was dealing with was the space race with russia to see who would make it out to space first. Without this 3 women nasa would of never made it to space. The three women that made this possible for nasa to go into space were Katherine Goble, Mary Jackson, Dorothy Vaughan they are the women that helped get the first american into space. Nasa would of not been able to make it into space without any of them. They all had a special part in help get a

  • Analysis Of How To Be A Women Programmer By Ellen Ullman

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    In the article How to be a “Women Programmer” by Ellen Ullman, she talks about how she was ordinary computer program system, like the role of altos in a chorus. Ellen Ullman separated the word women programmer in two different meaning, to help us understand how they are being used. The first requirement she used for programming is a passion for the work, a deep need to probe the mysterious space between human thoughts and what is a machine can understand; between human desires and how to machines

  • Countess Of Lovelace Research Paper

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    Throughout history women have been held back by society’s expectations. They have been over looked and taken for granted; as if they were inferior to men. For hundreds of years women have been expected to only bare children and take care of things in the household. Often times women were not allowed to receive an education. Despite all that there have been a few that managed to defy the odds, break expectations and have truly made a difference in the world. A true genius, Augusta Ada Byron Countess

  • Underrepresentation Of Women In The Video Game Industry

    1935 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction “Sugar and spice, and all things nice, that's what little girls are made of.” Way back to the Victorian times, this is what nursery rhymes have been telling their readers (Bury, n.d.). Women are not expected to be involved in activities and fields that are perceived to be masculine and one of which is the video games industry. The question “Why are there so few lady game creators?” was asked on Twitter by Luke Crane, a game developer. A lot of answers were provided by netizens and

  • Countess Of Lovelace Research Paper

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    Throughout history women have been held back by society’s expectations. They have been over looked and taken for granted; as if they were inferior to men. For hundreds of years women have been expected to only bare children and take care of things in the household. Often times women were not allowed to receive an education. Despite all that there have been a few that managed to defy the odds, break expectations and have truly made a difference in the world. A true genius, Augusta Ada Byron Countess

  • The ENIAC Project: Its Significance in Computer Science and Society

    1981 Words  | 4 Pages

    mathematical innovations that had been integrated into military use. Therefore, the government placed great emphasis on the development of electronic technology that could be used in battle. Although it began as a simple computer that would aid the army in computing firing tables for artillery, what eventually was the result was the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). Before the ENIAC it took over 20 hours for a skilled mathematician to complete a single computation for a firing situation.

  • Analysis Of Hidden Figures By Margot Lee Shetterly

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    the story of the many black women that worked at NASA during World War II, the Civil Rights Movement, and for years after. Hidden figures is primarily set in the 1960’s and similar to the film focuses on the stories of Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Johnson. Unlike the film, however, Shetterly also tells the story of a few other women as well, such as Miriam Mann, who was responsible for removing the “Colored Computers” sign from the cafeteria where the women were supposed to sit over

  • Katherine Johnson In The Film 'Hidden Figure'

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    showcased many times throughout the film Hidden Figures. As the main character, she fulfilled that role and had a hard-working mentality. Such as staying behind at work and working overtime. Her extensive knowledge of mathematics proved that dark-skinned women are worthy of going to college and working in a society where all people are treated equally. We were introduced to Katherine at first in the movie as a child when her school principal was conversing with her parents about her future in academics

  • Gender Equality In Australia Essay

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    gender equality of wages for a long period and nowhere in Australia’s history have women and men’s wages been equal. Due to this significant gap, women seem to be