Michael Lang Essays

  • The Road to Woodstock by Michael Lang

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    Woodstock: Three Days of Peace and Music The Road to Woodstock is the novel written by Michael Lang. Michael Lang was known as the man behind the legendary festival. Lang paints a vivid picture of how Woodstock changed America forever. He takes you through the hard work, dedication, passion, and struggles of creating the country’s most powerful music and peace festival in history. Michael Lang grew up in New York in the early fifties. He came from a middle-class family, and had a passion for music

  • The Sociological and Political Subtleties of Woodstock

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    and mud slides. The ordeal began when John Roberts and Joel Rosenman, wealthy young entrepreneurs, placed an ad in The Wall Street Journal declaring, "Young men with unlimited capital looking for interesting and legitimate business ideas."[1] Michael Lang and Artie Kornfeld, representing only one of the thousands of replies that Roberts and Rosenman received, proposed building a recording studio for musicians in Woodstock, New York.[2] This original idea was obviously modified and resulted in the

  • Jake's Struggle In The Sky People

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    Jake Sully formally known as, Jacob is considered the protagonist in the movie. Jake is a Marine veteran who has paraplegic renegade meaning he is paralyzed from the waste down. Jake had a twin brother, Tom that was killed on Earth. Soon after, Jake agreed to take his place in the Avatar Program on Pandora, in which humans somewhat control human and Na'vi hybrids to safely pilot the planet. Jakes original mission was to gather intel that would assist Colonel Quaritch in finding a way to force the

  • Multifaceted Psyches of Metropolis

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    responded to the film by creating its own version of it (Testa 182). Whether today or eighty-years ago, Fritz Lang’s Metropolis resonates with the public due to similarities this society has with our own. Fritz Lang does not argue that technology will generate a regressive society, Lang argues that not only an unstable human mind, but also an unstable society, that is not in touch with all the parts of the psyches, the ego, the superego and the id, might be easily lured by the ornamentations technology

  • An Analysis Of Fritz Lang's Metropolis

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    German Expressionism, avant-garde, dystopic, silent film with prognostic visions of the future. Lang thematically communicates concerns which are prophetic of the present-day contemporary society. Through conveyal of themes such as urbanisation, technology and dehumanising impacts on society, the context of a 1927 Metropolis still resonates with contemporary audiences. To intensify these parallelisms, Lang uses dramatic filmic techniques, symbolism, imagery and context. Urbanisation in Metropolis is

  • Metropolis

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    sentimentality of the plotting, motivations, and feelings. The content of Metropolis fails to live up to its visual treatment, but the film is still a treat to the eye. Bibliography: Works Cited Eisner, Lotte. Firtz Lang. DaCapo Press. 1976 Jensen, Paul. The Cinema of Fritz Lang. A.S. Barnes and Co. 1988 Thomson, Kristin-Bordwell, David. Film History An Introduction. McGraw-Hill,Inc 1994

  • Response to Metropolis

    631 Words  | 2 Pages

    Response to Metropolis Fritz Lang's Metropolis is a very powerful movie with various underlying meanings that allow the viewer to determine for himself. The movie itself is extremely difficult and hard to follow, although the essay "The Vamp and the Machine: Technology and Sexuality in Fritz Lang's Metropolis" written by Andreas Huyssen provided many helpful insights to aid in understanding the movie. Many of Huyssen's idea's are a bit extreme, but none the less the essay is very beneficial. His

  • Multifaceted Psyches of Metropolis

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    Home to a futuristic society, Metropolis (1927) by Fritz Lang, presents a city in which society has been physically divided to achieve perfection. According to Norden “With its motifs and its portrayal of workers as machinelike automatons (they even move about mechanically), 'Metropolis' unmistakably bears the mark of Futurism” (Norden 109). This society is divided into two classes: the thinkers who are the wealthy rulers of the city, and the workers, who work literally underground to provide for

  • What Happens in The Vindico by Wesley King?

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    The Vindico is a novel about 5 teenagers named James, Lana, Hayden, Emily, and Sam. They get kidnapped by the League of Villains and are brought to the Vindico Mansion. Torturer, Rono, Avaria, Leni, and Silver each select a teenager to train based on their similarities in personality and ability. The kids train to become the villain’s protégés and their future generation. Baron, the mastermind villain, states that there will be severe consequences imposed if they try to escape the estate. He also

  • Trudy Chacan Analysis

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    TRUDY CHACON Trudy Chacon, portray by Michelle Rodrigues, was a SecOps pilot for the RDA. Her primary task was to piloted a Samson that she used for transportation and for battle was flying sorties for science teams. She lived in Pandora when she first appeared in the movie and had already been serving for the RDA two years when she met Jake Sulley. Shortly after she met Jake she was thrust into leadership role in the take down of the RDA. Trudy met Jake Sully soon after he arrived at Hell's Gate

  • Avatar By James Cameron Essay

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    Cody Barnes Mr. Lyon English IV 28 February 2017 The Fight to Save a Planet In the film Avatar, James Cameron tells a tale of good vs. evil. The story follows Jake Sully (played by Sam Worthington) a paraplegic marine and how he helps the Na’vi the native people of Pandora to stop the Resource Development Agency (RDA). The RDA is only on Pandora to mine not matter the cost to the environment. The Na’vi are a peace loving species native to Pandora they choose to live in harmony with nature

  • Effective Use of Sound Techniques in Fritz Lang’s Film, M

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    Effective Use of Sound Techniques in Fritz Lang’s Film, M M was directed by Fritz Lang and was released in Germany in 1931. M follows the story of a strand of child murders in a German city. In a hunt for the murderer the police as well as the organized criminal underground of this German city search rapidly for the killer of these innocent children. The specific elements that Fritz Lang uses to express his view of what the sound should be are, how particular sound techniques shape the film, and

  • Avatar Movie Analysis

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    Avatar Avatar takes place on Pandora, a habitable moon of a gas planet in the Alpha Centauri star system. The Humans are in the middle of the twenty-second century and their planet is dying. In order to try to save their dying planet, the humans are mining unobtainium for cheap energy. In this movie we see the social conflict that arises from the clashing cultures of two different humanoid races. The main character Jake sully is a paraplegic former marine who ends up coming to Pandora to take his

  • Comparison of Metropolis and Blade Runner

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    From the silent epic of Fritz Lang Metropolis (1927) to Ridley’s Scott’s spectacular Blade Runner (1982) the connection between architecture and film has always been intimate. The most apparent concepts that connect these two films are the overall visuals of both films and their vision of city of the future. The futuristic city of both Scott and Lang are distinct in their landscapes, geography, and social structure. These two films sought to envision a future where technology was the basis by which

  • Psycho The Murder By Bernard Beckmann Analysis

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    As he reaches the top of the long narrow stairs, he is suddenly faced with a microphone. With a nervous look and sweaty palms, he slowly makes his way to the mic then stops. The microphone is black and cold to touch. Then he looks up to find that he is in front of hundreds of people watching him like a hawk. For two or three minutes, he focuses on the large patient crowd who are anxious to listen to him. Before he begins, he suddenly realizes that he is in front of thousands of people instead of

  • My Life Portrait - Original Writing

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    My Life Portrait - Original Writing …..War was severe. We had no food for more than a day. It was very dark. I had a little brother who was eight years old. The only thing I could hear was bombs and sounds of aircrafts. We were told not to go out of the bunker. After another day the sounds of bomb died out. My mother told me to stay inside the bunker and she went outside to see whether the coast was clear. She came back and told us to come out of the bunker. When we went out, as we have

  • S Expressive Use Of Cinemascope And Mise-En-Scène In Moonfleet

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    Fritz Lang was speculated to share with MGM, the production company he worked with for Moonfleet. Twenty years before the production of Moonfleet, Lang worked one other film with MGM: Fury. Fury was Lang’s American film debut, and unlike Moonfleet, garnered undisputed critical success. Unfortunately, as shown in Lotte H. Eisner’s book Fritz Lang, the author reveals how Lang unintentionally “slighted” Louis B. Mayer during the production of Fury, and “after that the company considered Lang unapproachable

  • Mise En Physe In Fritz Lang's M

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    justice. First, Lang employs mise en scène via a grand light to brighten the whole room for the five mobsters. With all the windows covered by curtains, there is no natural

  • Representation of the Future in Various Films

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    popular because they have a lot of technology and gadgets in that appeal to young people, but also science fiction can appeal to people in their 20’s and 30’s because they are more concerned and aware of fears in society. In metropolis Fritz Lang portrays how he thinks the future would be, which is that the city is divided into two, upper city for the rich and lower city for the poor. Upper city is set above ground and lower city is set underground. In upper city the buildings are closely

  • Angels

    2054 Words  | 5 Pages

    Angels: An Endangered Species. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990. Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. An Encyclopedia of Angels. New York: Facts on File, 1996. Jeremiah, David. What The Bible Says About Angels. Sisters: Multnomah, 1996. Lang, J. Stephen. 1,001 Things You Always Wanted to Know About Angels, Demons, and the Afterlife. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2000.