Why There Should Not Be School Uniforms

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I believe that there should not be school uniforms. School uniforms are boring and don't express our self because we need to express our self. The purpose is that school uniforms are just ugly. What if you bought clothes for the next school year and then you found out that there are school uniforms. You just wasted all that money. And what if you get the wrong size. Then you would have to go home and change and wash the uniform and then get them out then lay them out for tomorrow. Then repeat the process. You waste money because you wash them every day. That adds up on your water bill. Let's say it's P.E and you have a school uniform. You get all sweaty and wear that all day. Also a recent study shown that a kids that has school uniforms as …show more content…

I also think why is there school uniforms? I mean what is the purpose of them. They are expensive too. I have a friend Utah and he said he has to pay for it every month and it is 100$. I was like wow. And he said they were all itchy and tight. He said that also if you grown out of a size, you have to buy a new one. He said that it was blue and it had a pink strip on it. He said it is hard to play a sport at recess with it. Then it's hard to move because of how tight it is. He also said his ripped once and he had to pay 50 bucks just for the thread. He's sick and tired of it so he was transferred to a different school out of town. A recent study show that school uniforms are just to make money. The kids and parents are slaves and give money to the school. School uniforms attract bullies and hurt you feelings. In general school kids hate uniforms. Only 2 out of 10 kids in classes like school uniforms. Like I said kids like to wear their own clothes. School uniforms are too expensive. You just wear the same clothes like for a year and make no outside school friends. And it violates the first amendment. You can have freedom. And the uniforms are to big. Or to

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