Argument Against School Uniforms Essay

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School Uniforms School uniforms are increasingly popular across the nation. In fact, it becomes a huge controversial argument of communities rejecting these mandated school uniforms in their schools. However, school uniforms are not meant to be a negative thing; in fact, it could be positive in many ways by: eliminating cliques, saving money for parents, and taking away the bullying from students less fortunate. Meanwhile, on the other side of the argument, people believe that school uniforms will violate students’ freedom of expression, create a financial burden on families, and uniforms will not alleviate problems. However, with a solution that would benefit both parties, the public school systems in Oklahoma City district would benefit greatly Students claim that requiring them to wear mandated uniforms deprives them of their ability to freely express themselves through their choice of dress. However, freedom of expression does consist of the rights to freedom of speech, assembly, and to petition the government, but the first amendment does not grant people the right to act any way they want without actions taken. Numerous schools have a straightforward dress code policy enforced. If these policies are violated, then the students could face consequences for their School uniforms are just as comfortable as student’s that dress in the baggy and tight fitted clothing. Students can wear nice relaxed pants, and a polo shirt is a basic comfortable outfit for these uniforms. Also, school uniforms show a strong sense of discipline from student’s that attend those schools. School uniforms are often portrayed as looking professional. For instance, when students graduate High School, most of them will work in a job that has uniforms; therefore, they cannot complain of their uniforms are uncomfortable and

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