Persuasive Essay About School Uniforms

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School Uniforms in High Schools Any teenage girl I 've talked to about school uniforms is quick to say "Ew I 'd hate having school uniforms!" Often, a teenage girl imagines a school uniforms being ugly, maybe society or media has put that concept into their heads. Although, school uniforms are often not as ugly as the typical teenage girl would think. Cakey jeans, plaid skirts, and collard shirts are most schools uniform criteria. Which may not be every teenage girl 's favorite fashion. A girl wearing her own clothing of choice can give others a better perception of who she is, what she likes, how she wants to be preserved by others. What if those reasons were used against her? What if saving money was a factor to having school uniforms? How can competition come to …show more content…

I wish I cared more about my grades in high school rather than what I looked like. School is supposed to be about grades and learning, but for high schoolers it 's almost never about that. Girls are more worried about having trendy clothes and looking cute. I was in high school just last year, I can remember a high school girl 's mind. I know that the majority of girls who I went to high school with were trying to make their body look "hot" for boy 's attention. If every girl in school was wearing the same clothing, a girl wouldn 't need to worry about what to wear, if her clothes are cute, or if boys think she looks attractive. A girl may also feel at ease that boy 's cannot judge who has the nicest body or clothes. Manditory uniforms should force students to focus more on their academics. John Hoge, Stuart J. Foster, Pat Nickell, and Sherry L. Field 's article called "Mandatory School Uniforms: A Debate For Students" had recorded eighty-two percent of parents and faculty believed that uniforms helped to remind students that they were going to school to learn. What 's more important in the long run, looking pretty or good

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