What Does Success Mean To Me Essay

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My personal definition of success means to me is to have accomplished my self defined goals that I have developed though out the years such as education and finding a solid employment and having a healthy relationship with my family members, class mates and my spouse. I passionately believe strong mental fitness and physically fit has a direct correlation to success My first idea of what success mean to me is Accomplishing my self defined goals that I have made of the course of my life, defining goals gives you long haul vision and here and now inspiration. It centers your securing of information, and causes you to sort out your opportunity and your assets with the goal that you can make the vast majority of your life. Some of the goals I have in life are completing my school (PSI) with a high GPA, this will help me find a decent job in the future. Also, setting goals in my personal fitness for example lifting a certain amount a weight and completing the fitness requirements in the PSI program but complete with out a struggle. Another goal I have is Building your self-confidence, Self-confidence is critically important in …show more content…

A person who is fit both physically and mentally are ready to take on the challenges of life such as huge drastic changes that will happen in life no matter who you are. This can relate to school by having a bad day which you didn't get the mark you want or personally getting attacked at school by bullies. Being strong mentally is such important thing, being strong mentally is such a important skill you need, to be successful in life. Becoming physically fit requires a change in life style as well. Which includes you to stop doing a bad stuff and change your eating habits. Physically fit is key to having success in

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