Essay On Life Long Fitness

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Bon Alan Mr. Smith Health 1 5/5/14 Life Long Fitness I would think everybody in the world like to be healthy their entire lives , but many don’t know how. To be healthy and fit for an entire life time you must exercise often and eat healthy. Also, it helps prevent diseases and to stay healthy you must stay away from alcohol and drugs. Everyone wants to look good and be thin and have the body everybody wants but many don’t know how to accomplish this goal. Lifelong fitness isn't an impossible goal. You don't need to know how to eat healthy or be really committed to have wellness or health. It gets easier with practice and you become faster and stronger over time. There are four main parts to getting healthy which are: a healthy diet, avoiding alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, start moving and keep moving, and to try strength training. These four things will get you healthy and get you healthy fast. Also eating healthy doesn't mean just eating vegetables and fruits it means "minimizing your intake of fat, sugar and sodium"(4 Steps for Lifetime Physical Fitness). Sports are also a great way to get fit and stay it. Everybody physically needs strength and endurance. Each sport has different training to get you fit or to get strong. Each will vary but all will get you healthy. Sports are a great way to get in shape and keep it but you could also get injured during the sport so it's best to listen to your body for signs of injury. Also," be sure that you use your body and your equipment safely"(Sports Fitness).Be sure to drink water as well because it is the most important nutrient for active people. It is a good idea to "Drink it before, during and after workouts" (Sports Fitness). Physical fitness is also proven to help school success.... ... middle of paper ... ...staurants: McDonalds, Carls Jr, Jack in the Box, and Dell Taco. Everybody wants to be healthy their entire lives but many people do not know how to stay healthy for their entire lives. There are three easy steps on staying healthy for your entire life. The first one is eating healthy and providing energy to your body. Some examples are eating your correct servings of, breads, vegetables, fruits, meat, and dairy products. The second step is getting and stay physically active like running or doing some physical activity. Some benefits of staying physically active are being more flexible and it'll build strong muscles which will help fight osteoporosis. The last step is being mentally healthy. Being extremely stressed out is not having a healthy mind and if you wish to be mentally healthy it is recommended to reduce stress by getting plenty of sleep and having fun.

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