Ways To Fix Anxiety

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AAAAAHHH I think going to die of a heart attack!

Anxiety is the biggest problem in my life. Even though I spend a lot of time worried and stressed for no reason at all. It makes me seem as if I am going crazy because others notice that I have a problem, and it feels as if I am having a heart attack.

I spend entirely too much time being worried and stressed for nothing; I seem to just have to find things to worry about. For instance I just got a new boss, for two weeks the rumor mill at work has churned out rumors and statements that had created a large amount of anxiety. He showed up a work and with in a week I was put on an anti-anxiety medication, yet he has not done anything to create stress or problems in my job. It is so bad that I have not taken a pill for it my co-workers will ask if I have taken my pill today.

Another instance was a waste of time to worry about was worrying about what a friend thought of me. For some reason I had imagined that there was a problem with my best friend, just because we hadn’t talked for a while. So when I saw him and talked to him, he asked if I was ok because I was not acting like myself. I told him I thought that he had a problem with me for some reason. Well after I told him that he laughed and said “no that he had just been busy”, boy did I felt stupid all of that time being stressed out for nothing.

Others can tell that I have a problem because I seem to always act them same when I am suffering from my problem. I seem to have a certain type of look or scowl upon my face as one of the indicators that I am having trouble at that time, I also seem to be a little bit more snappier or short with people, instead of being easy to get along with and patient.

My ...

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...r each of them.

When my list of pros and cons is complete for each solution, I will do some serious thinking on each of item when I solve a problem I try to solve them the problem the first all the time, the quickest and the easiest way. These thoughts will not work for this problem because if I wanted quickly and easy I would just stay on the pills they gave me. To fix the problem correctly will be to go see a psychiatrist and work through it, no matter what anyone says about it. It is my problem, I should not worry what other people think if I seek the help of a shrink, and it is none of their business.

So you can see that although I spend a lot of time with anxiety, worrying for no reasons at all and go around feeling like I am having a heart attack. There are several ways to fix this problem so I can live a normal life.

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