Anxiety In Beowulf

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Anxiety, is it a Monster?
Anxiety is a monster that most people have to deal with on a daily basis. Even though anxiety is not actually a monster it still torments thousands of people every day, leaving them weak and scared. Anxiety defined means “distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune” defined by In the epic poem of Beowulf, one could say that the townspeople had anxiety when it came to Grendel because they feared what he could do to them.
Anxiety is not particularly easy to live with, it is actually pretty hard to do. It is important to know how to deal with the monster that is living inside of you. This is one way to make it day to day without revealing the monster that hides within oneself. Grendel is a …show more content…

Grendel snatched at the first Geat he came to, ripping him apart, cut his body to bits with his powerful jaws, drank the blood from his veins and bolted him down, hands and feet; death and Grendel's great teeth came together, snapping life shut. (734- 745)
Grendel isn't just a monster that scares little kids, he is a full-blown nightmare that is hard to wake up from. Grendel is a villain against humanity that eats those he can catch for dinner. Anxiety much like Grendel will eat you alive, maybe not physically but mentally anxiety can destroy you. Little by little anxiety will take your life if you don't control it. Those whom are living with anxiety often are fighting it alone and have no one by their side. Often times those people will put a wall up so that others can't tell that they are suffering, they act like everything is fine and they are indestructible. In reality their anxiety is eating away at them.
His ring-marked blade, straight as her head; the iron sang its fierce song, sang Beowulf’s strength. But her guest discovered that no sword could slice her evil skin, that Hrunting could not hurt her, was useless now when he needed it. They wrestled,

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