The Westing Game Ellen Raskin Character Analysis

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It all began on a frostbitten Halloween, when coming from the chimney of the old Westinghouse came a billow of smoke, making the whole town of Westingtown have an eerie feeling. Sixteen people, all heirs of the deceased Samuel Westing, are chosen to play in the game of chance and choice. The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin is an eye catching mystery novel that will create suspense, causing you to have a guessing game on who committed the murder of Sam Westing. The conflict, setting, and characters are all main parts of what make this story what it is. Also the technique of how this story was written plays a big part in how it makes you feel. This mystery novel has many ups and downs that continue to take you on a reading roller coaster. The main conflict of the story is one that affects everyone. Samuel Westing puts 16 heirs up to the task to find out who murdered him, but no one can solve this horrendous crime, this is the main conflict of the story. This type of conflict is person versus person, where it is each heir against the other. All of the heirs have the problem and the problem is not …show more content…

As the story went own new clues were uncovered slowly but surely. This book really made you think you knew who the murderer was, but would then send you yet again in another direction. So, the technique used to give you clues was very effective in letting you solve the case on your journey through this murder. Ellen Raskin made is harder to find the clues than to understand the characters. This fact is a good thing because clues are suppose to be hidden, not right out in the open. On page 45 Shin Hoo muttered that the clues were jibberish, for they had to find out what they meant, because it would not be a real mystery if the clues were just given to them. Overall Ellen Raskin did a great job giving clues out to the reader so they could solve the

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