The Search For A Better Treatment Of People With Invisible Disabilities

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Over a billion people live with some form of a disability.This is about 15% of the world’s population. Between 110-190 million adults that have very serious difficulties in functioning. Due to the ageing and the worldwide increase in the long-lasting health condition, the rates of the disabilities are increasing. Since the rates of the disability seems to be growing, the disabled should get a better treatment. Through behavior, they should be treated like a normal person, whether their disability is seen or not, after all the barriers they face. Throughout history the treatment of a disability has been rough. In the 1800’s, people with disabilities were segregated from the rest of the people or they had to stay home and be cared …show more content…

This disability is called an invisible disability. An invisible disability can be defined as disabilities that are hidden or covert. This can be found on, which states, “Invisible disability in simple terms is a physical, mental or neurological condition that limits a person’s movement, senses or activities that is invisible to the onlooker". This explains that the people with invisible disabilities acts normal and their disability is hardly noticeable. While there is an invisibility disability, there is also a visibility disability. Visible disabilities can be defined as disabilities that are shown or can be seen. Evidence of this can be found on, where it says, “in addition, someone who has visible impairment or uses an assistive device such as wheelchair, walker or cane". This could be viewed as a person who actually has a disability and need support. Unlike the invisible disability, where the disability is unseen. A disability is usually known as when a person needs a mental or a physical assistance with their everyday schedule. A person can have a visible invisible disability. This is shown on, when it reads, “In general, the term disability is often used to describe a physical and mental challenges". This suggests that just because a person has a disability doesn’t mean that they are …show more content…

First of all, disabled people face negative attitudes by people towards them. This is proven on, where it shows, “People sometimes assuming stereotype those with disabilities, assuming their quantity of life is poor or that they are unhealthy because of their impairment." This illustrates that people make a lot of wrong assumptions towards people with disabilities without even knowing much about them. Another barrier that the disabled people face is physical barrier. This is shown on, where it explain, “Steps and curbs that block a person with mobility impairment from entering a building or using a sidewalk; Mammography equipment that requires a women with mobility impairment to stand; and absence of a wheelchair that accommodates wheelchairs or others who have difficulty stepping up.” This represents that people do not think about the disabled people before building an object. There are many other barriers that disabled ones face but the last one but not least would be, the social

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