Working With People With Disabilities Essay

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A disability is a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movement, sense or activities. Disabilities can happen at any point in time or even at birth. I think that more test should be done before giving people the disability card. I have personally gotten an opportunity taken by someone faking being for their own advantage. Even if my experiences where just a parking spot at the mall, they still shouldn’t have that right unless they are actually disabled. The causes of a child getting a disability is a number of ways it could happen. It could be because of parents using drugs or it could travel within your family genes;so that means it could develop at any point or time of your life. It can also be an injury when you had as …show more content…

Comfort animals are usually used for relief of loneliness and sometimes with anxiety, certain phobias, depression and companionship. How ever comfort animals do not have special training for tasks like normal service animal. Some states also have laws defining therapy animals these animals are not limited to working with people with disabilities. I am not sure if comfort animal has the same rights as service animals such as getting to go in airports and on …show more content…

The certain tasks they do are retrieve dropped items, pushing elevator buttons, reminding them to take their medication, alerting them for an object they might run into or sounds and last but not least, pull a wheelchair. If you have a service animal and you go somewhere like the mall, the people cannot kick you out of the mall. There is law called the ADA, it stands for Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA wanted to achieve equal opportunity for people with disabilities. The ADA was passed by congress in 1990. Before the ADA was passed as a law 49 million people have disabilities and wanted rights. In the law it was told that you can have a service animal and it didn’t have to be a specific type of animal. You could have any animal like a cat or another animal. I’ve seen many people who fake having a disability like taking a handicapped parking space, or just saying they have bad anxiety just so they can have an animal with them at all times. You should watch out to make sure that your child doesn’t have a disability. When there is something wrong with a newborn baby it usually is their growth or weight, which could lead into a disability. Infections could also lead to a very high risk of the child having a developmental disabilities. There is a chance that it could not be a disability it could be a

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