How To Write A Persuasive Speech Outline On Intellectual Disabilities

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I. Attention A. Are you comfortable with Autism, Intellectual Disability, or Down Syndrome? This is the question that people in their heads feel when they meet a disable person. Invisible disabilities are disabilities that are not immediately apparent. For instance, some people with visual or auditory disabilities who do not wear glasses or hearing aids, may not be obviously disabled. Some people who have vision loss may not wear the dark glasses. They looks normal to you; however they have a disability. You are gifted. II. Need/Problem A. We need to have disability diversity, education, buddy clubs, activities at school, and more inclusive education. Contrary to what many believe, inclusive education is less costly than “special” or “segregated” education. The school system should educate the students about disability acceptance in the community by involving people with special needs on the school activities. III. Satisfaction A. Do buddy clubs. This will help start friendships and connections. Know disable people better. By know the other people disabilities you will interact better and will help the disable student better transition to blend in the community. Not be afraid of the unknown. As much knowledge you have on the different types of disabilities, the better person you become and more effective …show more content…

Having activities involving individuals with limitations or disabilities will raise awareness of the different types of disabilities. There also will put something positive back to the community. One of the organizations you can support is the Special Olympics where I am a participant. Are you ready to appreciate what you get than what you see? A person is more than their disability. They are human beings determined to make something good in their lives. Across the world, people with disabilities have poorer health outcomes, lower education achievements, less economic participation and higher rates of poverty than people without

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