Teaching Gospel Truths To Community Through Oral Communication

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Orally communication is required a long –term sensitive learning balance to achieve a healthy right steps to teach the Gospel truths to community. In the article, Jagerson touch on the significance of narrative literacy and orality in Christian education. She sees the storytelling as a key of open new doors. I strongly prefer to use storytelling methods to transfer Gospel Truths to community via technological basic innovations such as dramas, songs, stories, discussion, poetry, and ceremonies to minimize the incompatibility between literate and illiterate people. The article focus on the real issue of community to create an understandable oral communication through Gospel methods. In the article, Jagerson gives reader a fresh perspective …show more content…

Literate or illiterate both of them are the main elements of the community. One without another will not show its function. In the community, every person has a crucial role, and no one can ignore this reality. As you know, perfectiveness comes when all instruments create the right rhythm of the harmony. If one of them doesn’t give the right sound, then you will start hearing horrible music. At same time, being a part of community, literate, semi-literate, non –literate people and the century technology innovations have to work together to create a better living environment for todays and tomorrows. Secondly, as a teacher and being Regent, to be succeed, we need to know how to use the different methods to teach the Gospel Truths to community to accomplish the values of nation that we dream. In this century, each generation has a way they prefer to learn information. As an educator in the school, I will choose to teach by the way of storytelling method. Storytelling has a key function on teacher’s teaching methodology. The storytelling is effective since help students to grasp the meaning of stories, such as- teaching important things, making easier to remember, helping solve problems, explaining the unusual, giving an opportunity to share the experiences of others, and channeling the student natural interests with what happens in the story into an effective engraving of God’s timeless truths in their hearts and on their minds. These indirect stories trigger the God’s unconditional love in their gentle

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