How to Evabgelize Using the Right Method for the Situation

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A person can evangelize many different ways. There are intellectual methods, relational methods, and confrontational methods. There is no right or wrong way to evangelize only the right method for the situation. In this paper, I will be discussing one way of evangelizing for each of the different methods. This paper will include the Romans Road method, the Friendship evangelism method, and the Door-to-Door evangelism method.
The Romans Road method of evangelism is well known by many Christians and may feel like one of the safer ways to evangelize. The “road” is a road map of biblical verses laid out in such a way to help bring someone to Christ. It is a very logical way of evangelism. The first step in the road to romans is that All Have Sinned. Romans 3:10 states, “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.” Again, in Romans 3:23 we are told, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 5:12 tells us, “Wherefore, as by one man [Adam] sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” When Adam sinned, he brought the curse of sin upon all mankind. This is why everyone is born with a nature to sin; it has been passed down since Adam. Second, there is a Penalty for Sin. Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Death is the penalty for sin, Physical Death and a Second Death. We are born spiritually dead. Adam and Eve died spiritually the moment they sinned, and all of their descendants since have been born spiritually dead. This is why a person must be born-again spiritually. God's Holy Spirit is that spiritual life. The Bible also speaks of a Second Death, which means ...

... middle of paper ... shine through me so that they too can know that love. However, if the situation calls for it, I do use the more direct Romans Road method as well. There are several people in my life who I want to be with me in heaven. I do not want any to perish but for all to know the glory of God. I personally am not comfortable with any of the more confrontational methods and try to avoid them at all costs. I am not a public speaker and I freeze up around crowds of people. However, when I am very comfortable with a person I have no issues witnessing to them in hopes to win souls for Christ!

References Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry. (n.d.). Effective Evangelism Training. (2011). Jesus is Savior. (n.d.).

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