Evangelism: The Christian Duty to Share Faith

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In a survey conducted in 2012, LifeWay.com inquired about the importance of evangelism among members of the Christian faith. The results of the survey showed that 80 percent of people who claimed to follow Jesus Christ and had openly devoted themselves to the teaching of Christianity, felt that they had a “personal responsibility to share their religious views and beliefs about Jesus Christ with non-christians” (Wilke, LifeWay.com). Surveys such as this reflect the Christian doctrine of evangelism and the weight it holds within the Christian faith. As can be seen back in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus Christ commanded His followers “to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).” However, Jesus never told His followers how doing this. …show more content…

The Wesleyan church believes that the most effective method is a blend of the two different ideas, but a heavier weight is given to the forgiveness side of things. John Wesley and leaders of the Wesleyan Church believe that by placing an importance on the forgiveness that Christ offers people who declare His name, people will be more open to hearing the gospel. The Wesleyan view is based on the actual reality of humanity and the fact that by evangelizing through the communication of the redemptive properties of the Christian Gospel shows that not only do members of the Wesleyan church care about spreading the gospel but they also show great care for the people who they are sharing with. By showing the fact that the gospel is a means of forgiveness rather than fear, christian can better represent the gospel and the true character of Jesus …show more content…

This stereotypical point of view from nonbelievers actually has driven many away froth church and the Christian faith. A recent survey from “Relevant Magazine,” asked a group of people who identified as atheists and agnostics who all previously attended some form of a modern day christian church, why they left the church. Over 85 percent of the people surveyed blamed harsh and judgmental Christians as the primary reason they walked away from the Christian faith. The evangelism method employed by the modern church is one that can easily be misconstrued as a person judging them for who they are. Church leaders should take the prospective of the outsider into consideration for their perspective and response is the only measurement of the effectiveness of their body of Christ’s effectiveness in their

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