Reflection Paper

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Looking back on where I left off in my last paper, it seems like years have passed. So much has happened and I have already had so many new experiences and met new people. My last few weeks of college, I grew so much, and learned even more than I thought I was capable of. The anxiety and fear I felt my first week of school has faded away and I now I feel as though I can tackle anything that comes my way. One of the experiences I have gone through lately is almost attending the Memphis Tigers football game on September 24th, the keyword here is “almost”. I bought my guest ticket for my boyfriend. I was excited and anxious all day for the game. I get out of my history class and meet him in the University Center, this is where things start to go haywire. We were informed that the Blue Line buses were taking people from campus to the liberty bowl about every 20 minutes. We packed my school books in his trunk and then waited, and waited, and waited some more. We walked around for 45 minutes trying to figure out where in the world these buses were, it seemed they were purposefully avoiding us. …show more content…

I had been in class from 9:40 to 4:05, the last thing I wanted to do was chase down a bus out in the heat. I just wanted to go home and go to sleep. Instead of just giving up on the whole ordeal, we went and dinner at Central Barbeque (which instantly made me feel better) and then decided to go watch the game at my boyfriend’s house. The night took a different route than I had planned but it still was a good night. This day felt like it would never get any better. I was so angry because the night did not go my way, but the night was still great regardless of the circumstances that brought us to

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