My Worldview On Christ's Love

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When one looks at their life, at any stage in which they live, it is pivotal to see clearly how they are finding meaning, purpose and direction within their daily decisions. As I’ve learned to value the role of community and covenant relationships in my life, it has been a challenge to continually commit myself to overcoming my flesh and correctly align myself with God’s intentions for my life. As part of this transformative process in centering my worldview on Christ’s love, I’ve concluded that all of life’s ultimate questions are found to have been correctly answered in the Bible; repeatedly in Scripture, and specifically in one verse, I have found that it sources everything in life to the glory of God. Romans 11:36 centers our attention …show more content…

The Lord provided for us His word as means by which we can correct our understanding in life, similar to how glasses correct our vision to see clearly. It couldn’t be any clearer than this: “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).” This is not an easy or sudden change, but rather it is a life-long process of fully embracing and faithfully living out God’s purposes in our lives. To aid us in this journey, Phillips et al. describes it well, by saying that “our abilities to seek that which is true, good, and beautiful are profound indicators of God’s imprint in the soul of each person (p. 43).” Not only is it our responsibility to learn, change and grow in order to know how to live, but it is also our blessing to have been given God’s ‘imprint’ on our souls to allow us to even be capable of such transformation. What an incredible truth to dwell on; to ultimately conclude that it is God who enables us for actively living our own lives is a sobering reality of our dependence on our creator. Ephesians 2:8-9 reveals that it is only by grace that we are saved, through our faith in Christ, and not of ourselves, but “it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Clearly, it is to His glory and not of our doing, that we are able to function and fully live. This is a humbling truth to not only accept and receive initially in developing our view of this world, but it is a powerful reminder for our entire lives that it is for God’s glory alone that we live. More specifically, Colossians 3:16-17 tells us to “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name

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