Personal Narrative: The Best Softball Team

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Spring of 2014, the Spring break of my sophomore year, in high school, was definitely the most memorable year. I spent the entire week with the best softball team to which I have ever belonged. We went to Perdido Key, Florida and had a great experience together. Each day consisted of beach time and two softball games. This trip was definitely the best team bonding trip I have experienced because of the experiences my team and I encountered each day. It was six in the morning on March 28, 2014 and the team and I were loading the school bus as it began to rain. The whole team was dragging and tired because we had a lock-in the night before. As soon as the bus was loaded and everyone was aboard we took off. We had a nine hour and fifty-four-minute …show more content…

As a team we had come to a conclusion to have a Bible study instead of going to church and whoever wanted to come was invited. That morning Olivia, Hanna, Makenzie and I woke up early and decided to go on a mile run in the gritty sand. Once we arrived back at the condo it was time for our team bible study. After bible study it was time for the beach. We all went to our rooms to change and then headed for the water like an army of sea turtles making their first crawl to the water. As we reached the edge, we realized the water was very chilly and we came to a quick stop. Hanna, Makenzie, Madison, and I were the bravest four to get in the cold and salty water. About five minutes had passed and the rest of the team joins us and we are riding and jumping the crashing waves. The sun was burning our skin, the salty water was splashing in our faces, and the waves were crashing on our heads but we were having the best time in the water. The time comes to three o’clock and we were told to get out of the water because the bus was leaving for practice in thirty minutes. We boarded the bus and went o Gulf Breeze High School to practice in the scorching heat. Practice lasted for one and a half hours and then we headed back to the condo. Later that evening the parents all worked together to provide us with supper again. The night had become cool and breezy so Tarah, Lauren, and I decide to go for a relaxing walk down …show more content…

Our day started with the beach and then around noon that day we had to be on the beach in uniforms to take pictures. Ashley, Rachel, Abby, and I were called the picture killers because we would not get in any extra pictures or smile in the pictures. We were all excited when the parents finally said we were done with pictures. Then it was time to get on the bus and go back to Gulf Breeze High School to play. When we arrived, we began our warm-ups and then watched their senior night before the game started. The varsity game began around five o’clock and we had reservations for dinner at 8 o’clock thinking our game would definitely be over by then. However, we were wrong. The game started off slow neither team was hitting very well and then in the third inning the pace of the game increased dramatically. Maddie, a tall and strong hitter, started us off with a big hit to right-center and then Ashley came up to bat next and hit a line drive to center field which scored Maddie. Then, after we got three outs, the other team came up bat and scored one run to make the game 1-1 in the bottom of the third inning. The score stayed the same until the eleventh inning. The fans of both teams were cheering and doing the wave, both teams were cheering, and making good plays. There was so much excitement in the air it felt like it was running through my veins. Finally, it is the top

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