Reasons To Go To An NFL Game

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Have you ever been to an NFL game? I haven't, but I think we as a family should be able to go to an NFL game. We should be able to go, because I do my chores, I do marvelous in school, it would be a satisfying experience for all of us, and I will help pay for the ticket. If I were to go to an NFL game I would want it to be a Cowboy’s game. I do not care who it is against or where it is at, as long as I get to go to a game. Please consider going to a game soon though. The first reason I think I should be able to go to a Cowboy’s game for is that I do all my chores at home. I do all the dishes every night after dinner to help clean up the house. Also every morning I wake up and make my bed unlike my irresponsible sister. The final chore I do is mow the lawn every time it needs to be cut. I independently complete all these chores; I think I should get to go to a game. It may be very time consuming to purchase tickets for the game, then travel to the location of the game, watch the game, then travel home. Even though it is also time consuming to do these chores on a daily basis, so you should be able to give up some of your time like I do every day or weekend. …show more content…

I’m positive that I have not gotten in trouble for the past year or two. I also have received straight A’s for the past 5 years in a row. The final thing is that I am in National Junior Honor Society which is kind of hard to get into. Since I am doing so well in school I think I should be rewarded with the opportunity to go to a Cowboy’s

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