Persuasive Speech On How To Be Successful In Life

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“How to be successful in life? Is it a rough path?” I asked the millionaire. “Rough? That’s your assumption? A success path is a rough path?” He countered. “Yes…” “Hell. The road is hell. And you have to pay a big price just to be on that road.” He said. “Which is?” I asked. “Sacrifice.” “Sacrifice what!!??” I exclaimed impatiently. “Sacrifice the life you’re currently living right now, Because that’s not going to lead you to success. Sacrifice the people who don’t give two fucks about you. You don’t need them, Because they are toxic and their poisonous injections are terrible. Sacrifice all the negative thoughts lingering in your bloody mind, Because thoughts become words, and words become actions. Sacrifice things that …show more content…

YOU are capable. YOU can do it. YOU are better than many people. But never underestimate yourself. YOU will be successful. Sacrifice being rude to others, Because a good person is a person who speaks with a billionaire and with a waiter in the same way. Sacrifice creating scenarios in your head, Because true disappointment comes when you think of something but it doesn’t happen. Sacrifice thinking too much about the future, or the past. Because the past is gone. You’ve fucked up earlier, you’ve messed up earlier. Let it be. And move on. Because the future hasn’t yet come. You don’t know anything about your future either. The only way to expect for a good future is to have a kickass present. And the only way to get over a fuckall past is to have a kickass present. So, Have a kickass present. Sacrifice thinking about what others think about you, Because that doesn’t fucking matter. Be yourself, do your thing, and excel in what you do. People talk. Let them. Even if the talks are about you, it shouldn’t be your fucking business. Ignore and move on. Sacrifice reacting towards every dog that …show more content…

Do it yourself. Even if the outcome is shit, do it yourself. And Sacrifice looking for success or money or recognition, Because if you do your thing. And if you give it your best, not one, but these 3 things will come anyway.” The millionaire said. I just finished my coffee with him and I was totally wondered by what he said. But one question still lingered over my head… “But look at me- I’m a failure. I have less or no friends. I don’t get enough time to do the thing I like. Love is an impossible possibility for me. I have lost respect. Sir, there is nothing left to sacrifice at all!” I exclaimed. He looked at me for 10 seconds and then asked, “Do you know my past?” “Not really-no.” I said. He then took out a piece of newspaper from his pocket and handed out to me. “Read it.” He said. I started reading it- “Kevin Sharma- from a 4 pointer to a

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