Persuasive Speech Ideas

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The only limits that we have are the ones that we place on ourselves

Have you had a conversation with someone and heard them say:

"I don't like my job, but I don't know what else to do."
"I want to start my own business..."
"I want to lose 30 pounds, but I am not motivated to start."
"I have always wanted to travel but..."
And the list goes on.

Have you ever wondered why they can't seem to get going?

The answer is, STAGNATION!

When we become stagnant we often become bored, yet we will not push ourselves to the next level. When we stop growing we begin to shrink.

The answer to stagnation is, CHALLENGE!

When was the last time you challenged yourself?

Competitive reality shows are so popular because they challenge the contestants. After accepting the challenge the contestants must navigate their way through a myriad of obstacles with one goal in mind...winning. In order to win they have to break out of their comfort zone. We watch in excitement, we want them to win because they are working so hard. …show more content…

Break out of your comfort zone and accept a new challenge today. I want to see you win as well! For those of you that want more success and a better quality of life, I say put an end to your stagnation it's time for you to challenge yourself!


First, set a challenge and a plan to complete it within the next 30 days. It is my recommendation that you begin with a small challenge.

Next, start a challenge journal and document your experience, the good, the bad and the ugly. Completing this first challenge will give you the momentum and the confidence that you need to keep going.
Then, set quarterly challenges both personal and professional. Continue this process for at least 18-months. What you will find is that you are becoming better and more successful.

Finally, say "GOODBYE" to stagnation for good. It's time for you to have a life that is filled with success.

New Year, New Challenge!

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