Persuasive Essay On The Importance Of Sex Education

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Many schools are now including sexual education in their required curriculum. Sex education can be taught to all grades, senior though preschool although this is more focused on middle to high school ages. Planned parenthood helps push sex education into school and suggests that school teach this to the middle school and high school students. This would help the student in the long run with the many unanswered question that could be to embarrassing to ask the parents. The youth are being more sexualized earlier in life; this could help with all the questions left unanswered that teens have. This subject alone would affect students more then any other subject demanded by the schools system these days. Sex education should be a required for high …show more content…

An important area of sex education is the difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationship. Healthy relationship is built on reality and understanding their strength as well as weaknesses and not ignoring them. An unhealthy relationship is more based on an illusion of what they could have done. That then that would become the foundation of the relationship, meaning the relationship is built on an illusion. There is a lot to be gained in a healthy relationship. You have a very good friend that you can go to at any time when in a healthy relationship. With a healthy relationship there come trust, respect, and kindness as well as understanding. A healthy relationship will not cause you any major emotional problems and for the most part keep you happy and feeling …show more content…

There is an importance of learning the difference of the relationship could mean one less teen being sexually abused or physically hurt. Sex education could teach them warning signs as well as other possibilities of an unhealthy relationship. As teens and pre teens grow older most start to wonder about their body. Sex education can teach why, what and how they are growing. This can also help with the sex talk that some parents are more then comfortable having but students are not. This education can teach students how to prevent the spread and catching of diseases transmitted sexually, as well as preventing unwanted pregnancy. Teaching the preventions can help stop the diseases and unwanted pregnancies though sex education in public schools. There are many different ways to look at sex education in the schools. An example of this would be, understanding that there’s different sexual orientation and respect of personal space. If sex education were taught in schools, it could lead to a healthier society mentally and

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