Benefits of Sex Education in Schools

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According to World Association for Sexual Health, "to achieve sexual health, all individuals, including youth, must have access to comprehensive sexuality education and sexual health information and services throughout the life cycle" (Sexual Health for the Millennium 4). In the fifteenth century, scientists and educators raised the issue of sex education of children and adolescents. This topic particularly was discussed after the sexual revolution that occurred in the past century, when there were the first attempts to introduce sex education courses first as electives, and then as a mandatory class. Sex education should be taught in schools as a compulsory subject in order to develop knowledge about puberty as well as to prevent unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. The sexual revolution occurred in the second half of the twentieth century. It was caused by a variety of reasons such as the weakening of control of adolescent behavior, separation of sexuality from reproduction, and open appearance of different orientation. Furthermore, people ceased to perceive sex as something shameful and immoral. In this regard, there were many problems associated with the ignorance of the majority of people in matters of sexuality; consequently, government decided to impose a duty to explain to pupils basic reproductive processes and precautions on schools. Teaching a class of sex education would have sufficient benefits such as "lower teenage pregnancies, a decline in sexually transmitted diseases, more responsible thinking" (Blanton). First, sex education gives the children general knowledge about the sexual side of life, such as the differences between boys and girls and puberty. Teachers must clearly and intelligibly ... ... middle of paper ... ... wrong and harmful. Quality sex education, on the contrary, develops a responsible attitude towards sexuality and delays the onset of sexual activity. These programs do not just call for teenagers to rush into their first sexual contact, but also teach them the rules of safe sex. Overall, sex is supposed to be responsible, which means that it must be safe for the person as well as his or her partner, and it assumes knowledge. Society has to provide classes of sexual education in order to not force adolescents to gain this knowledge on their own experience. Schools, where children spend much of their time, are the most appropriate place for children to receive information about sex, relationships, and sexually transmitted infections. Consequently, children and adolescents who have sex education classes know more about sexuality, and their knowledge is more reliable.

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