Personal Narrative: My First Roller Coaster Ride

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It was spring 2014, I slowly walked into the grand entrance of the Santa Cruz boardwalk. It was was about my 3rd time going there, except finally, I was tall(and brave) enough to ride my first roller coaster. Our parents had gotten us a ticket discount, so the whole day ticket was almost free. But first things first, I had to eat lunch. I think I had a hotdog and a drink that day, and I inhaled my food and drinks like a vacuum cleaner and soon I got really full. But actually, I just wanted to just relax that day, but I was going to have fun, so I knew I should complain. My sister was also hyped as if she had sugar injected into her blood streams, and my parents were feeling just,”meh,” about it. “Let’s go already!” my sister yelled from about 12 feet away. “Hey! Wait up!” I yelled back. We first got on some random rides, like the gigantic swing or a dizzy spinning ride. I got on a viking ride and I felt dizzy and nauseous by the time I got down. I also rode a ride called the logger’s revenge, which is just a water slide you ride on, except you’re in a log. I always liked that and we rode on it twice. “Well, that was fun,” We all agreed. “I think it’s time to go on the roller coaster!” my sister said, which didn’t really help, because I was trying to avoid that, since I saw my older cousin hurl after one …show more content…

Suddenly, I was dropped into a void like area, which I couldn’t see a single thing. I thought the roller coaster stopped, but the wind around me and the rustling sounds told me we were moving. After 12 seconds, we entered direct sunlight, and I had to adjust my eyes to the brightness. I looked back, and behind me, my dad looked have awe struck, and half just plainly shocked. My sister said something, but I didn’t listen, I was too focused on the top of the rails and how long it would take. I closed my eyes before my dad said to look behind

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