Personal Narrative: My Experience In High School

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High school is supposed to be a one more step closer to college; it’s supposed to be preparing you for the future right? Wrong. My experience in high school was very different; I never quite fit in with anyone, the “friends” that I thought that I had used me for money. Let’s just say when I was a freshman I had a friend whom I knew from grade school, her name was Meghan Lawrence and she was the kind of person who I really believed I could tell her anything and she would keep it to herself. Once again I was proven wrong, I developed a crush on a boy and she knew that I had a crush on him; one morning before class both he and she went to the corner store, she thought it would be funny to tell him all about my crush, which he tortured me with, playing with my emotions, made me feel like he might actually like me back. …show more content…

The whole first year, I was in ESE classes, which meant I was too slow to be in regular classes, which hurt my self-esteem, growing up, I didn’t quite understand things explained to me and in elementary school, I was in a class that had 35-40 kids with only one teacher. I tried to keep with the other kids in the class, but I never could keep up with them, so my parents pulled me out and enrolled me in a progressive school because they thought that would be a better out for

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