Personal Narrative: A Typical High School Experience

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I always imagined that I would have a typical high school experience, that I would attend classes from 8:30-3:30 five days a week and fill my free time with homework, a job, basketball games. However, the summer before I entered high school, I began a Lupus flare. Although I had been diagnosed and dealing with this disease for numerous years, this flare was unlike others. One day, I had stiff joints, the next I was unable to walk. While my doctors altered my medications many times, the perfect combination was elusive. When August approached, I began my school year homebound so that I could focus all of my efforts on walking. A homebound teacher came to my house and taught me, always leaving homework so that I could stay caught up with my …show more content…

Most days were spent studying and most afternoons were filled not with a job or friends, but with PT and pool therapy. All of this was done in hopes that I could garner enough strength to transition from a wheelchair to crutches as this transition would allow me to attend half days at school. At the end of winter break I began attending two of my four classes a day. Unfortunately, the effects of attending school were overly taxing and I had to return to both my wheelchair and homebound. That semester, I concentrated on school and therapy with the goal of attending half days my sophomore year. When May ended I was thrilled to find that I had made seven A’s and a B. Although not the 4.0 GPA I was used to, I was delighted, as I had taken on all honors courses possible and only attended “typical” school for one week. After a therapy filled summer, I was back on crutches and ready for my sophomore year. I began by attending chemistry and AP government in person. However, at the end of September my doctor sent me to inpatient rehab at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. In rehab I spent countless hours in physical therapy striving to walk again. During this time, my teachers emailed me homework and I taught myself the material and responded with completed

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