Personal Narrative Essay

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Arnold Schwarzenegger once stated, “strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength”. Although Schwarzenegger may be one of the most widely known people in the world, his message is still true for every single person. I abhor hardships and difficult situations, but this quote makes me rethink my logic of difficulty. Schwarzenegger portrays the meaning that success can sometimes blind a person. Strength is not forged from winning, rather, it is fashioned from the trails prior to the accomplishment. Every struggle someone may face, only builds their strengths and abilities. Just being capable to perceiver through a struggle is a form …show more content…

A person can see the light, but the star is out of reach. Sometimes success can be envisioned, but a lack of perseverance and strict determination is a recipe for disaster. I have experienced all these situations and more when I was about nine years old. The Little League Draft was right around the corner, and it was finally my time to try out. I grew in a town that had such high recognition for Little League Baseball. Teams were competitive, the practices were challenging, and unless your team won the championship, you felt like a complete loser for the entire summer. I had worked hard prior to the tryout to do my best. Everyday I made it a goal of mine to train, hit, and throw so that I would be completely ready for the tryout. Eventually the day rolled around for me to show off my talent, and I believed that I was ready. Right when I stepped into the gym for the tryout, I was determined to blow away all of the coaches with my talent. I wanted to bring success to whatever team picked me, and I made a priority that I would annihilate any team that didn’t draft me. The tryout started, and right away things were terrible. I could barely make my throws, I missed ground balls, and my performance was pitiful. My next opportunity came in the batting cage. I knew coaches wanted a kid who could crush the ball. However, I didn’t even hit one pitch in the cage. Before I knew it, the tryout was done, and I felt empty. Weeks passed …show more content…

A person can find out who they truly are based on how they respond to a bump on the road. I took my tragic event and learned from it. I may not have been good enough to play for that team, but I wasn’t going to let some coach stand in my way. Over the next few years I kept practicing and training to get better. My summers were focused on baseball, and baseball only. I worked my tail off as I was starving for greatness. Over the course of the years, I would progressively mutate into one of the best players in the league. I still would find myself struggling at times in the sport, but I would always look back at the moment I have in Little League, and used it as inspiration. I had big dreams and high aspirations for myself. If there was anything I learned from that moment was that hardships are blessings in disguise. Prior to the event, baseball wasn’t even close to being my favorite sport. However, for some reason I still do not know till this day, the sport kept calling me back. Baseball kept tugging at my heart to keep coming back, and to keep getting better. Hardships unveil a persons ambition. Some may give up early, while some perceive. The scientist, Philip Emeagwali, stated “the hardships that I encountered in the past will help me succeed in the future”. Sometimes, I didn’t know why I had these struggles, but now I realized they were tests of my determination and confidence. If the sport were easy, maybe I

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