Adversity: Lessons Learned

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I have faced adversity several times whether it be with life or with sports. Each time I have handled it with the best of my ability to do what I sought was right. Sometimes, a situation did not occur as I had planned. Yet for most of those situations I never regretted the choice I made. With each lesson learned, I applied it to the next day and helped build upon my own character to better myself. One of the best things I have learned is the outcome is what you make it to be.
I have had two step-fathers in my lifetime . One owned a railroad company and was in my life for about 14 years. One of the things I learned from him is “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. This developed a mindset to be nice to everyone and lend a helping hand (whether for selfish reasons such as new opportunities or not), because in times of need you will have help. Several times the people I befriended helped me in hard times whether it be school or life in general. Also it connected me with people I …show more content…

For the sole reason I was horrid at arts and crafts. But my competitive self couldn’t walk away from a challenge. So after about a week and a half of failing miserably at trying to make the medieval vexation work, it was time to show and compete with classmates. Imagine though mine was about a foot tall and 6 inches wide, while other students had a much larger scale than my dingy project. For a better comparison my trebuchet flung an eraser 1.5 feet while theirs hit the basketballs half court line in the gym. The project was a challenge and my poor ‘diy’ skills was my setback and I try to be more arts and craftsy since then rather to stick to the textbooks. I have learned that it is better to try to be more well rounded and learn from experience rather than be narrow minded and not try

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